Jacinta Moore

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Jacinta Moore
Jacinta Moore.jpeg
Concept: Duskborn Liberator
Sect: Anarch | BlackDot.pngBlackDot.pngBlackDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Clan: Duskborn | EmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Generation: 16th
Coterie: DUSK
City: Adelaide
Sire: Phoenix Fire
Embraced: 2008
Player: SPC
Storyteller: Adelaide VST

Personal Information


Jacinta is often dressed in a bright red turtleneck sweater and a tight fitting black pencil skirt. When working on her Formulae she is often seen wearing large round reading glasses with a metal bead necklace to keep it around her neck.


Jacinta is a scholar who speaks with a high society black-British accent. When those she cares about and those like her are mistreated a fire lights within her that is almost impossible to quench. Her ability to think on her toes and push past her limitations makes her dangerous to even the elders of the Camarilla.

Kindred Nights

Jacinta's Haven is a secret, no one knows where it is, but wherever it is houses knowledge to rival even the Tremere with formulae and rituals a plenty. The easiest way to reach Jacinta is through her website DUSK though only Thin-Bloods are given a passcode. Others must prove they are trustworthy enough for her contact information.


  • 2007 - Jacinta is given a scholarship to study medicinal science over in Australia from England. Her family has never been well off and this is an opportunity she couldn't pass up
  • 2008 - When leaving class late at night to return to her dormitory, Jacinta is drained dry by another Kindred. She is carried home by Phoenix Fire who then embraced her to save her life
  • 2009 - Jacinta starts up DUSK.COM.AU to help Duskborn share their formulae and to learn how to perfect their craft of Alchemy.
  • 2011 - After seeing the dolls Prince Sterling was showing off Jacinta and Phoenix began planning how to take Sterling down.
  • 2012 - Jacinta perfects her Blood Sorcery replication and uses it against Prince Sterling. She frees the Duskborn being used as Blood Dolls in Elysium while Phoenix frees those in Sterling's Haven
  • 2013 - Jacinta is placed on the Camarilla's most wanted list. Her haven remains secure.
  • 2015 - Jacinta refuses invitation to move into Anarch territory, her job is easier within enemy lines

Recent History


  • JAN - Details
  • FEB - Details
  • MAR - Details
  • APR - Details
  • MAY - Details
  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details


Known Sire

  • Phoenix Fire

Known Childer

  • N/A her Blood is too thin to embrace


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


  • It is said Jacinta has a gift for using Blood Sorcery as well as her Thin-Blood Alchemy.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • -



3 Given by the Anarch Movement in 2012 for assassinating Prince Sterling.


0 Given by the Clan in Date for Reason.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: VST Adelaide
Number: 0000000000
Domain: Adelaide