Silent Nihilists

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Silent Nihilists
Type: Watchmen
City: Adelaide
Chasse: BlackDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Lien: BlackDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Portillon: BlackDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.pngEmptyDot.png
Player: Player
Storyteller: Adelaide VST
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Coterie Description

The Silent Nihilists (S.N.) are a coterie formed through a willingness to survive against the odds of conformist vampiric societies. The Nihilists do not bow down before any authority and do not take any principle on faith, whatever that principle may be enshrined in. Moreover the Silent Nihilists reject political norms and institutions.

The S.N. are Watchmen whose duty is to thwart activity against the Anarch Movement. They charge themselves with protecting the movement and their ideals, to disrupt enemy agents, provocateurs and organisations, and protect humans from harm and themselves. A watchman either armed or unarmed is always mobile and on patrol.

Coterie Members

Character Clan City Sect Player
Floyd Fox Brujah Adelaide Anarch Tom
Leo Caitiff Adelaide Anarch Josh
Clayton Dawson Caitiff Adelaide Anarch Nathan

Domain Location

From Waterfall Gully to the North-Eastern, Eastern, and Southern-Edges edges of Cleland Conservation Park, including Crafers. Contained within the zone are large properties of locked up residential, light industrial and conservation land. This includes moderate to high traffic tourist zones from a lookout, to associated conservation motels and relaxation resorts.

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  • (above) Coterie House for the Silent Nihilists in Adelaide

Coterie News

  • APR 2021 - After some discussions the Coterie is formed at the Aldinga Hotel within Keith Hazard's public haven. Leo and Floyd work for the Adelaide Anarchs as wayfinders during the incursion into the Tremere Chantry in North Adelaide.

Coterie Boons