Muninn Whyte-Crowe

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Moon Wolf.jpg

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A relatively young Vampire embraced in the last 30 years, Muninn's requiem places him amongst the biker gangs. He is known to some as a tattooist of passable skill.


Muninn is a rough man appearing in his early 30's. A long, Braided beard trails from his chin, hung from which is a trinket of Norse religious significance. He dresses practically, if a little new-age, usually in cargo pants and belted waistcoat and a bandana holding his hair down. For ceremonious occasions, he may also wear a viking ocular spangenhelm.


Muninn is a simple sort, with a strong sense of loyalty and a deep spiritual side. He is proud, and unafraid to throw a punch when his honor is under fire, yet also deferential to his family and will stay his anger when it's against their interests.

Most of the time he prefers to just idly socialize. Its in his nature to joke and carry on in unproductive ways, and perhaps have a few rounds of his favorite game; Liar's Dice.

Mortal World

Muninn tries to keep under the radar for the most part. Officially speaking, he's still alive under the same name, and has a number of petty crimes to his record as well as being a suspected drug trafficker and Bikie ganger.

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Recent History


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Said About Muninn

  • "Nice try, pup, but not good enough. You have your great uncle's spirit and your great grandsire looks upon you with favour. But spirit and favour are not going to be enough when the enemies of our House come to kill us as their ancestors tried to do to ours. Now, pick up your weapon and come at me again! And this time your warcry better be loud enough that the words 'Til Valhall' echo in the ears of the Einherjar!"
- Adrian Dansk, providing encouraging words during training.

  • "This boy should have be been born during the time when gods walked freely on the earth. Oh how we would have had a good time together. He shows promise, I'll tell his Sire to keep him around."
- Vilrec Langlifr

  • "I Like this one, you can keep him." - Aksel Vinter
  • "Muninn is a fool and spreads deceit like a plague. I will speak no further on him or his actions"
- Charles Volmark

Said By Muninn

"Quote" - reference


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Wardruna: Jara

Leidungr: Styrkans herre

Character Inspiration



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Fletcher Gooley
Number: 2012030010
Domain: Brisbane