Peyton Constanica Halliwell

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Peyton Constancia Halliwell
Sect: Camarilla --
Clan: Toreador (Masquerade) --
City: Brisbane --
Pack/Coterie: None
Title: Neonate
Sire: Iadro Orsini
Lineage: None
Embraced: 2012
Generation: 10th ?
Player: Contes Ashes
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information

Constancia Faith Halliwell was born in France in 1988, her family has always been well off she went to renowned schools in France until her family decided to move to Australia when she was 12. Her band kicked off when she returned to France when she was 17 after her friend was admited to a mental asylum of been accused of killing her sister. Halliwell couldnt stay in Australia after that and the death of her mother all was just too much for her.

Faith is a famous lead opera singer of the gothic symphonic metal band called Blank Infinity. Faith Halliwell has had a tough time year coping with kindred ways, realising she cant continue touring world wide and keeping the band local keeps her rebelling to kindred life. Blank Infinity made its fame thorough Europe and Northern America. 3 years of touring and then been embraced killing her dream has been a night mare for Faith as music was her life.


She is beautiful as a pocerlain doll pale complexion, big lips and enchanting eyes. Long natural red hair with loose curls is a appearance of art work. Her attire is more fancy gothic clothing bustiers, lace and victorian aspects of jewellery but with modern twists here and there. Her key piece of jewellery is her up side down cross which kindred say its only worn to annoy her elders. she can be spotted with a black veil after a late night of partying.


Self assured, stubborn, always right, has a queen regal in her attuide. If she knows shes better then you she thinks she can own you. Rebel never does what shes completely told or she may just be telling you half the truth. She's lovely if she likes you if she doesn't you will know shes has a sense of spolit princess in her personality.

Mortal World

She is the famous leader singer of Blank Infinity in the moral world she may not be so known in the mainstream music scene but across Europe she's a beauty and a star. Faith is determined to keep her fame no matter what the costs


1988- Born in Paris 1990-Begun music and ballet lessons 2000- Moved to Australia for family's law firm 2006- Moved back to Paris 2007- Blank Infinity was founded 2008- First tour (England and France) 2009- Guests for Nightwish thorough out France 2010- Released second album 2011- first world wide tour 2012 - embraced and told to live in australia with sire


to come


Known Sire

Iadro Orsini

Known Childer


"Do you know am I? out of my way!"

Quotes About

"Young, pretty and stupid. She's gonna get herself killed if she doesn't calm down. Still...her teeth will make a nice necklace at least, she's got a good smile"
- Theodore Donowitz musing over the newly embraced Faith

"Still unreleased, still petulant, still spontaneous and beautiful." - Iadro Orsini



  • Faith worships satan
  • She takes private jets to party
  • Shes just a groupie
  • Shes still touring

Known Associations


Emily Black- Her child hood friend whom was accused of murdering her sister. They have been good friends since she was a mortal despite Emily been a brujah Faith is very protective of Emily.


  • Jaccqueline Keighley - A gangrel that wont step in line likes to shit stir Faith. Faith hates it and is determined to destroy her socially.