Jaspar Wiseman

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Personal Information


A healthy middle-eastern man in his 40s with an athletic build. He dresses in simple, cheap clothing from off-the-rack, as though advised on fashion by a minimum-wage store-attendant.

He watches the world dispassionately, not like the predator gaze of a sociopath, but the light gaze of someone watching a TV movie they find slightly boring, but not boring enough to change channels.


Aloof. 'Slow' witted. Everything seems to be temporary to him. Every inconvenience can be seemingly solved just by waiting. Time has lost all meaning to him. He's just as likely to turn up to a meeting a day late as he is to turn up three hours early. Either one will do.

Emotion and passion are for the young. Jaspar is simply looking for something to engage him. Something that lasts for a time.

Mortal World

Information Known by Society


Subject to approvals

When the Vampire courts were founded, Jaspar watched dispassionately from a distance. When the Cartographers society formed their accords, Jasper was a signatory. When the Metz reactor was being built, Jaspar laid the first brick into the foundations.

1980: Jaspar stops attending meeting of the Cartographers society meetings suddenly and without warning. His domicile is left unattended, but not undefended.

2013: Jaspar returns to Armidale...if he ever really left.

Recent History

Jaspar recently came into contact with the JJ&E Krewe. They freed him from some sort of imprisonment, sealing into a brick wall inscribed with magic. For the time being, interacting with them seems to be a source of interest for him, so he chooses to attend their 'flesh fair' meetings when invited.


Jaspar claims he was a king and an scholar once, in a far away place. He doesn't give more details, except that the stars were different back then. Perhaps he's delusional.


Quotes By

"Death is not always the end, sometimes it's the beginning."

"This too shall pass. Why would this even concern someone as old as me?"

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"I don't know what it was, but it ran fast and it's got friends all through the dark places of reality." - Carter


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Neil Gaiman's The Sandman
  • Mike Carey's Lucifer

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Name
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain