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Template:PC Summary Awakening

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Shaman on the Path of Ecstasy



Rank: Disciple of Life, Aprentice of Spirit

Titles/Memberships: Student?

Various nicknames and aliases: Striker

Physical description: Average hight and weight she stands at about 5 foot 4 inches her skin is pale but tanned by the sun and her eyes are a bright olive green and glitter with a curiousity and stubonness all her own. her hair is almost white blond in color and long stretching half way down her back, she keeps it braided into a plat or alternatively a pony tail to keep it out of her way. her clothes are simplistic a longsleaved light coloured shirt with a high collar and a pair of jeans, she wears leather hiking boots and carries with her a utility knife. she has a large backpack that is often filled with survival gear.Nox has a relaxed way of moving her hands held at rest at her side she was a way of flowing through her surroundings expending as little energy on the movement as posssible.

Nimbus: the sounds of dogs calling and the soft bleating of sheep flashes of color form when she is using powerful vulgar magic sometimes forming into the creatures faces for a moment befor fadding or reforming. the scent of curned dust seems to follow her.


Awakened: April 2014

Initial Master:

Born in 1994 she was raised by a magical mother who had a falling out with the concillium and a sleeper father, who knows probably a little to much about magic, and who was the reason for the falling out. She grew up close to magic frequently visiting there neighbor The Cowboy, and playing with his son The Spirit. Her mother died when she was 8 and her father bitter that magic had not saved her ended up in an argument with The Cowboy at the funeral. Elsa, wich is nox's other name, though not acording to the registry, come on her mother was a mage she wasn't going to risk everyone knowing what her daughter was called, was forbidden to visit them again, she disobeyed her father for a while but eventually the bias pulled her away from her friend and the neighbors farm.

her father looked after her best he could it was he who taught her how to shoot a rifle, she went to highschool and aong with learning more about science and acedemics she picked up trainers in rifle shooting and even won a few school based awards. when she moved on to university she joined the state rifle shooting team and earnt a little fame with her precise shot. but she couldn't stand the presure and dropped from the team to focus on her studies. She started having dreams as her awakening aproached but it was not until after she finished her corse in 2014 that it hit her in full,out hunting she tumbled down a cliff knocking herself unconicious and straight into the Mysterious would of magic. she was to scared to go home how could she explain this to her father so she settled into a cave near where she awakened. God help her.

Recent events



- Awakened in armidale
- Fell in with the Armidale Conciliem
- Faced down some sort of weird powerful spirit somethings
- May have joined the conciliem, shes not quiet sure
- Has a missing persons warrent out on her, though doesn't want to go home becouse she doesn't yet know how to explain what happened to her father.


- got drenched in a fountain
- Killed some sort of giant spider that wasn't really a spider but some sort of construct
- got stuck in the abys for about an hour and a half still wet and cold i might point out
- encountered the floating voice boxes and decided that the other new mage is maybe just a little creepy far to accepting of the weird stuff that's going on
- encountered the strange men, and found out where the forge lives.


-headed off to the warehouse with a group of others following Lazarus after assuming that there plan was complete
- ran into werewolves at the warehouse and decided stuff that
- followed Lazarus and Mort to the temple place but did not proceed down the hole
- went to the shell fuel station and then drove the others to the last place where the Dreamgun had been alive
- arrived just in time to be warned about dominoes and then get blown up
- yelled at The Forge then went home with the intent never to come out again... you don't always get what you want.
- went to the meeting the next day deciding she would leave the concilliem the moment the clear and present danger was eliminated.


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Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Example
Number: 2001000000
Domain: Sydney