John Brown

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Personal Information

Template:PC Summary Requiem

Appearance & Personality

Like his name, John Brown at first glance was unremarkable in nearly every way; average built, over weight but not obese; brown hair, neat but not stylish; thirty something; black suit, well fitting but not expensive; black shoes, scuffed; and his stance unassuming. It was only after spending a moment of time with him you began to see the flaws in the image; standing a little too straight; his gaze lingering too long directly into your eyes; his feet perfectly aligned; his responses in a conversation a little too slow; and his obsession with taking notes. Despite all this as you look away from Mr Brown you find it difficult to hold his image in your mind.

Background (Not Publicly Known)

Information Known by Kindred Society

August 2014 - First appeared at the Sydney Court on the 9th of August, although there was clearly some relationship between himself and his fellow Carthians. Traveled that month to Canberra and also visited that court, he was sponsored by Uncle Willy as a visitor to the city.

September 2014 - Returned to Sydney, and spent much of his evening obsessing in regards to the upcoming national event. Was acknowledged in Canberra and made the Keeper of Elysium during his second court gathering.


Quotes By Mr Brown

"Research proves that there is a direct connection between the destruction of a kindred and the following destruction of their family members. Therefore it only makes sense for family members to seek to protect each other, otherwise they risk their own destruction."

Quotes About Mr Brown

" We have an unacknowledged understanding. Either of us bringing that situation forward as a topic of conversation would damage said relationship."
- Murdoch Tyron


  • Will be played by an ass... ;)
  • Has a thing for the Muse


The Silence - Doctor Who