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Reuben 'Scabs' Tottsbury III
Sect: The Camarilla •••
Clan: Nosferatu (Masquerade) ••
City: Brisbane ••
Pack/Coterie: The Basterdz
Title: Lord of All
Sire: Bastard
Lineage: Purebred
Embraced: 1868
Generation: 13
Player: Antony Beadle
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information

From the dark, mouldy, festering warrens underneath Brisbane comes.... SCABS! Huggable, loveable, and undeniably sexy in that "Oh my God what is that" way, Scabs is from first appearances your typical Nosferatu. Friendly, humorous, annoying, contagious - all fine words to explain this force of sexual nature.


When not impersonating someone, or hiding behind a disguise, Scabs is a hunched over creature who constantly 'peaks' his fingers, as if in thought, or coming up with something nasty to do. His face is covered with bruising which never seems to heal. Overall, a definite chick magnet.


Scabs enjoys life (unlife) with flair, taking advantage in the upgrades to technology he has watched over the last... well. Always happy to have a chat about any topic, with anyone, he is from all appearances someone who enjoys bringing people together and having a good ol time. Can sometimes be socially inappropriate, but never to hurt others - someone needs to play the jester. And no-one suspects the jester...

Mortal World

'IBSCABS' is a very well known internet 'hacker', known for defacing the websites of varied groups such as the 'Mums for Jesus' (now Mums burn Jesus), and 'Pennsylvania Police Protection Patrol ('Pretentious Prats Porking Poodles). Experts have not been able to remove or change the websites, which now provide hours of enjoyment for 12-15 year olds

Information Known by Kindred Society

Most know Scabs from his exploits on the Telstra tower, and his subsequent 'capture' by Scotty and introduction to the Camarilla. Whilst he is outgoing and gregarious, little is actually known about his background and skills, apart from his excellent computer skills and skill with Obfuscate and Animalism.


  • 2014- Scotty 'captures' Scabs whilst he is trying to place something on the Telstra Tower in Mt Cootha.

Recent History

Scabs is trying to establish himself as a source of information, and... equipment. He has made many friends who he is happy to assist, and feels more comfortable around the 'surfacers' now.

2014 - 2015

  • SEP - Gets dragged in front of Prince Karl and has the Camarilla explained to him - properly.
  • OCT - Manages to place a cow upstairs in a Nightclub for Lucy's enjoyment
  • NOV - Eats a camel, just because.
  • DEC - Organises Nosferatu Shennanigans
  • FEB - Takes part in a Sabbat hunt. It was fun.
  • MAR - Takes part in another Sabbat hunt. More fun. Gets a pet Tasmanian Devil named 'Geoffry'.


Known Sire

  • Unknown Nosferatu - Bastard. At least he could have bought me a drink.

Known Siblings

Known Childer

  • "Pfft - I always use protection!"


Quotes By

"Pfft - we have all of eternity to wander around... why the hell would you be all mopey and depressing? Suck it up Princesses and have a party!"

"Ive got some info for ya, because you are me friend and all" - to everyone

"I didn't do it" - to everyone, but mostly the Prince

Quotes About

"I like him because he is beautiful" - Lucy

"He knows far more than he lets on" - Walker

"A vampire who is actually nice and likes everyone! Sheesh" - Scotty


"I order you to go and find the hunters!" - an irrate Sheriff Barnett.

A gun shot is heard and a wounded vampire staggers into the room.

"Found em." - Scabs

B: "You're going to go and find me all the information on these hunters as possible."
S: "What's in it for me?"
B: "The opportunity to keep your status and aid the city."

- A slightly less paraphrased version of the conversation above between Barnett and Scabbs before the 10 minute interlude between the Hunter's first gunshot.


  • Scabs' real name is Reuben Tottsbury the third. He hates it.
  • He prefers the taste of rat's blood over that of 'humans'.
  • He is exceptionally adept at computer technology, specialising in overriding security measures.
  • He has been in Brisbane far longer than one would guess.
  • Uses a series of different accents so no-one can know his background.
  • Has a tendency of claiming unsanctioned boons.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Count Duckula
  • The Cheshire Cat - Alice in Wonderland
  • Lord Varys - Game of Thrones
  • Heart it Races - Architecture in Helskini



Knowledgeable - Given by Prince Karl in November, 2014 for dobbing... err providing specialist information services.

Resourceful- Given by Primogen Calebrac in December for Nosferatu Shenanigans.



  • Minor boon owed by Vincenzo to Scabs for 'information' (Sep).
  • Minor boon owed by Scotty to Scabs for providing pertinent information (Oct)
  • Minor boon owed by Barnett to Scabs for helping with a Sabbat cleanup (Nov)
  • Minor boon owed by Vincenzo to Scabs for 'gossip' (Jan)
  • Minor boon paid by Vincenzo to Scabs for 'educational purposes'

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Name
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain