Archived-Mage: The Awakening

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Released in 2005, Mage: The Awakening is a roleplay game set in the New World of Darkness, a series of games published by White Wolf. The players characters in the game have access to magic, the ability to bend reality to their wills, but such power does not come without consequences. While Mages discover their powers they also discover that the contains a lot more then they thought. From factions attempting to use magic to control the world, to a dark abyss where horrible creatures seek entry into the world to devour it. All the while mages still have to deal with the mundane world, and how their new lives rarely mix well with their old ones.


Every Mage upon awakening is drawn to a Watchtower, a realm within the Supernal world, where they sign their name and gain the ability to draw magic across Abyss. A watchtower helps define a mage, and the type of magic they can access often affects their personalities, but not always.

  • Acanthus - The 'free spirits' of the Awakened community. With their powers of Fate and Time they often live in the moment. Seen by some as a breath of fresh air, and others as immature and childish.
  • Mastigos
  • Moros
  • Obrimos
  • Thyrsus


For as long as the Awakened can remember there have always been the Dimond orders, recently they have become the pentacle with the inclusion of the Free Council.


Consilii of Australia