Victor Aurelius Roe

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Template:PC Summary Requiem

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Personal Information


Vic is short and chubby, olive skin and dark hair with dark brown eyes. Customarily in a Brown tailored suit with some sort of t-shirt on and a Large Ruby Ring somewhere (on his Fingers, or hanging from a necklace)


Vic is Friendly, helpful, passionate about his desires for change.

Mortal World

Vic is Very much a part of the Mortal World. As a Band Manager, a name in Entertainment and a man of the Media he’s in everywhere he can be. He might not be famous, but he is probably that famous dudes manager

The Sinister Fourskins

Sinister Fourskins first Album cover.

The Sinister Fourskins is an alternative Industrial Metal band, formed in the early half of 2012, since then the band has been performing ad hoc at local venues and are begining to gain some momentum in the Alternative Metal genre. The band is known for their antics on stage as well as their unconventional lyrics and on stage presence.

What is Alternative Metal?

Alternative metal usually takes elements of heavy metal with influences from genres like alternative rock, and other genres not normally associated with metal, such as hardcore punk, funk, and progressive rock. Alternative metal bands are often characterized by heavy guitar riffs, melodic vocals, unconventional sounds within other heavy metal genres, unconventional song structures and sometimes experimental approaches to heavy music.

Band Members

Behind the Scenes

  • Vic Roe - Bands Manager
  • Meredith - Vic's Executive Assistant
  • Crystal - Lighting and SFX Manager

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 2010 - Embrace
  • 2011 - Ghouling Meredith
  • 2014 - Release
  • 2015 - Become Assistant Harpy / Harpy

Recent History


  • JAN - Become Assistant Harpy
  • AUG - Become Praxis Harpy after the Harpy is killed by the Strix
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


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Known Sire

Wilburforce Cornelius Roe

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Yea I manage the Sinister FourSkins. Yea they terrify me but consider this. If they restrain themselves from damaging me, a man they often Violently disagree with, who else is allowed to damage me. Unless of course it’s my own damn fault" – Vic on why he stays managing the band

Quotes About

"Vic is one of Roe, sure I give him a hard time occasionally. Doesn't mean I don't respect him. Rome wasn't built in a day, Rome was built brick by brick. Victor is one of those guys, who doesn't just put the bricks in, he knows every crack, every weak point in the foundation. When Rome is built those who helped build her will rule." - Chase Dawson


"Quote" - reference


  • Vic puts far more of his Business, both Kindred and Kine affairs into Meredith's hands than is really prudent
  • Vic's babying of the band is reason for the odd Rock Star Tantrum
  • Vic has a better relationship with the Invictus than many Invictus
    • Only on the surface. Underneath the cordial facade, he seethes with hatred of everything they represent

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Fight the Power - Public Enemy
  • Second Solution - The Living End
  • Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones
  • In relation to Meredith - Love me Forever - Motorhead

OOC Information

Wants Curry and Beer

Please note: This character can be a LOT of an arrogant prick at times, remember it's the character not me! (And is fairly Typical of the new Ventrue Clan). If you have any issues with something I've done/said, please come and talk to me OOC

victor.aurelius.roe at Mick Atwell
BTS Number:AU2003090529
ST: vst.requiem.2nded at