Warden 07022016

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Revision as of 04:36, 2 July 2016 by Tom whitney (talk | contribs)
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Roving stupidity...

I've found myself at the wrong end of what I term now as raving or roving stupidity.

Junior members of the conscillium are now talking to me as though I'm a junior within the court myself, and what I find truely laughable us that when they do they talk as though I seem to care. Over the last few weeks I've found myself not being as interested in the internal affairs of the domain like before. I think this is because the domain is still being run by a persona who never seems to make an appearance.

Don't get me wrong but the problem is not that people aren't interested in learning, it's just that people are becoming far to cliched and treating people like myself with a relative level of disdain and under care. One such person is Usagi or Tiamat or whatever her name is... Ive honestly thought that the conscillium would be better off without her presence. Whether I am the person to remove her or someone else I don't know, just that she seems to be far to self interested than holding the interests of the group above her. She is far too greedy in my mind, even more above Mephi and his lacklustre performance in managing the distresses to the city.

On a completely different note it appears that The Zali will be coming to join the Uncrowned Kings and helping out the city
