Holly Grant

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Template:PC Summary Requiem



Personal Information


Holly is five foot five, and weighs 63kgs. She is a natural redhead though optimises the color with dye to really bring out the brightness of the tone. Her skin is a pale cream color with light freckles that cover her cheeks, nose, and shoulders. Her eyes are an indistinct mix between blue and green, appearing more prominently one or the other depending on the light. Her nose is slightly too high in the bridge, almost appearing as though it has been broken once in the past. She appears to be in her late teens-mid twenties when made-up. Can pass as late twenties and older without makeup.
Holly tends to dress comfortably unless the situation calls for more formal attire. When she is working she wears slightly more revealing clothes, a tank or crop top with a pattern or logo and jeans. For everyday situations she’ll wear a T-shirt [plain or otherwise], jeans and a jacket[usually leather, sometimes denim], usually coupled with boots of some kind. Formally she’ll wear dresses or at least a very dressy shirt and pants set. She has a necklace with an antique appearing ring on it.


She tends to act like she is dumber than she is; she feels more comfortable knowing people are underestimating her capabilities. Her ability to read folks is one of her stronger suits. Working in the club she’s got a pretty good eye for people in a bad way, or who are overstepping personal boundaries.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


1970 - Jonathan and Miranda Grant move to Southend-on-Sea for early retirement and to begin a family with the funds they had acquired from their jobs. 1974 - Holly is born. 1977 - Holly begins to attend Badminton School for day classes. {Age 3} 1980 - Begins to fully attend Badminton School as a live in student. Younger sister Poppy is born. {Age 6} 1984 - Family trip to France. {Age 10} 1990 - Has a day-trip with her school into London. Gets separated from the school and finds a bunch of local kids. Ends up hanging out with them shooting the shit and smoking. Remains friends with one of the girls, Riley. {Age 16} 1992 - Graduates Badminton with a distinction. {Age 18} 1993 - Gets a job in London working for a friend of her Father’s as an assistant. Hangs out with Riley in the evenings, goes clubbing, does drugs, all the bad stuff. But she knows not to go too overboard and is generally home in time to sleep and then rinse and repeat the day. {Age 19} 1996 - Meets one Randy Priest at a club, thinks he’s kind of cool, strikes up conversation. A couple of weeks later there’s a new Daeva in town by the name of Holly Grant. {Age 22} 1998 - Joins the Invictus in order to get her feet off the ground. Doesn’t tell Randy. 1999 - Randy makes a bid for Praxis. Holly sides with the Vics. Randy is Torpored. 2000 - Completes her Manumission. 2004 - Granted her first Title of Function as an Advocate 2007 - Begins making plans to leave England, tells her family she’s going to travel for a few years. 2008 - Leaves England. Travels through Europe very carefully, then heads down to Australia. 2009 - Travels across Australia, spends a while in each state and at each court. 2010 - Hears about Roxby Downs, decides to settle there. 2011 - Opens her club, GLOW. 2012 - Begins helping newcomers to the city settle in and find havens. 2013 - Granted her second Title of Function as an Au Pair.

Recent History


Known Sire

Randy Priest:

Known Siblings


Known Childer

None Known

Known Grand-childer

None Known


Quotes By

Quotes About



Inspirations and Soundtrack

Here Comes Trouble


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Nikita Boston
Number: 2015070006
Domain: Southern Cross