Archived-Daniel Davison

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Personal Information



Daniel's appearance is often criticized by how casual his attire can be and how bizarre his touring outfits can be given his Fame and Forture with his band "Devil's Boys" he is often compared to other famous Kine that look the part of being filled to the brim with money. His actual day to day outfits varies from T-shirts and Jeans, to Denim Jackets, to Leather. Tied with his rugged look with his long black hair to his lower back and his black Bandholz beard, he can be mistaken for any Biker type person, if his fame wasn't so strong. Underneath the clothes he bears tattoos of various styles, which doesn't help being mistaken. And in various places, you can see old wounds of drug abuse and drug violence.



Throughout his life, Daniel has been at the bottom of the barrel. With this and his history with drugs, his personality often is seen as 'laid back' and 'easy going' contrariety to how fan's of his band believe. He is rarely aggressive, while this could be related to his drug abuse before and during his fame, his band members openly state his drug abuse is the only cause of any sort of aggression. Music is his life, playing Guitar and anything related to it is often a subject he can always talk about, he has often made friends just about discussing it regardless of his drug abuse. ( If it is known to them or not. ) He has also constructed sound tracks for video games, which he is also a massive fan of.

Mortal World

Daniel Davison was born in 1981 in Boston, Massachusetts. Daniel hasn't brought in much detail about his childhood and teenage life before his music career, only his battle with drugs and his mother. Openly stating about how his drug addiction came during his High School years where he was struggling with personal life and school life, how his mother was a single mother working constantly and how she kept attracting men that abused her and him. In hopes to bring her son out of drugs and the lifestyle out of it, she purchased an Electric Guitar, which he latched to, gaining a social group, friends and eventually a garage band named "Devil's Boys" made of a 4 man with Daniel (Danny) Davison as Lead Vocalist and Lead Gutiar, (X) as Drummer, (X) as Bassist and (X) as rhythm guitarist. During these times, his drug addiction was managed and at an all time low. At a point, completely vanishing as his band was gaining popularity. However the good times were quickly drawing to a close, his mother was diagnosed with Bone Cancer was the start of his eventual crawl back to drugs. The young Daniel promised his mother that he'll make it big and bring in the money to help with her condition, he did eventually win the hearts of music publishers that got the band a deal, though his mother never got to saw the band signing as she died from her cancer a few days before and bringing Daniel back to the drugs he fought to stay away from for years.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • '

Recent History


  • July


Known Sire

  • N/A

Known Siblings

  • None

Known Childer

  • None

Known Grand-childer

  • None


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Andrew Rowberry
Number: 2016050001
Domain: Adelaide