Adelaide CofD News Stories

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OOC: These news stories are published in various news outlets - TV, Radio, Newspaper etc. If your character does not subscribe to any of these things because they're a hermit or so ancient that these things are still very new to them, then disregard these news stories.

These news stories are entirely fictional and are written for entertainment purposes.

Last Update: 12/3/17

Paper News Dead, Digital Era Evolves (12/03/2017)
Online Survey says Consumers don't bother buying the newspaper anymore. Instead your average Joe subscribes to his news on the internet on such famous sites like Faceter and Twitbook. Sam Weir Editor of The Advertiser has this to say. "The Digital Era may bring news Faster, but it doesn't always deliver the Facts. Click bait is everywhere these days and you never know if what you're reading is true or not" Joahna Sun one of Beefood's journalists responded with "Why go outside to get your news when it can all be had at the touch of a button? Sure not everything is right, but isn't that the same with the newspapers themselves? We can edit our work online but once its printed. You'd better hope you don't need to change anything" To have your say go to (OOC this is not a real link)