Valerie Fitzchambers

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Valerie Fitzchambers
Concept: Unknown
Clan: Daeva
Covenant: Invictus ••
City: City
Title: Advocate
Sire: Sire
Bloodline: Pure Clan
Group: House Fitzchambers
Embraced: 1931
Player: Bec P
Storyteller: City VST

Personal Information


Valerie is a beautiful woman in her mid to late 20s, pale skin, all curves, and softly spoken with a faded English accent. Her hair is cut short, just above her shoulders, and her eyes are a pale grey that seems purple in some light- and always with a perfect smokey eye to really make them all the easier to stare into.

Everything about Valerie is controlled- from her nails to her jewelry to her shoes- and she can usually be seen in classy business wear of some type. At formal events, it's long slinky numbers in satin or velvet, purple or red. It's hard not to notice her in an era when the standards of dress a lot more relaxed.


First impression may imply an "Ice Queen" personality, but Valerie Fitzchambers in simply a woman to which proper manners and etiquette are highly important. She is not a hugging type, but she will give a polite handshake and makes charming conversation with almost anyone. She is not heard to swear, and when she speaks it is softly and thoughtfully- Valerie is nothing if not in control of herself (and preferably of those around her).

It is known to Kindred society that if help is required, Valerie is highly skilled at figuring out solutions. She always seems to know just the right person for a job, or always has the right place to go to get things done. No matter the covenant, as long as respect is shown she will be more than happy to make the time to help another Kindred if she is able (or to send them to the right person if she can't).

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1970 - Details
  • 1980 - Details
  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2017 - Details

Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Valerie is a work in progress, but I am currently open to discuss backstory ties if they fit in with her timeline

Member Information
Player: Bec
Number: 2009030004
Domain: Twilight Alliance