Archived-Melbourne Requiem VSS

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Venue Name: Vampire
Domain Name: Melbourne

VST: Jessen Dittmer
VC: Paul Taylor

3: Game Location Time and Fees

Location: TBA
Time: TBA
Cost: $5

Melbourne Requiem mailing list


1: Genre: Vampire the Requiem

2: Themes:
1. The Brood and Nemites have been quite busy elsewhere lately however the prince grows tired, showing signs of weakened resolve this began at the start of the 21st century and has reached a climax in 2013, He plans to step down, he has made no secret of this. Will peace reign under the new princes regime? Or will old debts be settled with blood?

3: Themes:
1: Genre: Vampire The Requiem
Action – Combat and Challenges 3
Character – PC Development 5
Darkness – PC death and corruption 4
Drama – Ceremony and grand story 4
Intrigue – Politics and negotiation 5
Manners – Social etiquette and peer pressure 3
Mystery – Enigmas and investigation 3
Pace – How fast stories develop: Moderate
Rating Description: 1 Never present, 2 Sometimes present, 3 Often present, 4 Usually present, 5 Always present

4: Preferred character types, and restrictions:
Courtly Vampires for the most part, with the odd outsider.

Restricted items: The following are not allowed in this VSS: Military grade (ie Class III, IV FFL) weapons, explosives or other items capable of mass-or area-effect attacks, including Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons or effects.

5: Proxy Into Melbourne

1. Proxy Rules: All proxy requests to this VSS for Proxy Play must be received by the Venue Storyteller in writing or email no less than 48 hours in advance. All Proxies will be considered Hard Proxies.
a. Hard Proxies require permission from the VST and require the following:
i. Full character sheet. This includes any special approvals for items/powers/influence/merits/flaws that require special approvals. Without proof of these approvals, those special approval items will **NOT** be used in the proxy.
ii. VST / DST contact information (e-mail & phone number when possible). I will need to able to confirm things with them and give them the results of the proxy so they can incorporate said results into their games.
iii. Clearly stated goals for your character. You need to be as precise as possible when you state your character’s goals and actions for the proxy. Any information that is left out will be left up to the storyteller staff to include. Assumptions will be made if necessary.
iv. Contingency plans & Exit strategy. Please include contingency plans as the best-laid plans are sometimes disrupted. Without the contingency plans, the storyteller staff will make decisions for the characters. These decisions may or may not be what the players would have done
b. All Proxies: Players Agree to the following conditions. If you are not comfortable with these conditions, then do **not** proxy your character.
i. All proxy play is final. There are no do-overs. Death or worse are possibilities. In every proxy scene, there are inherent dangers. Players who agree to proxy are being made known these results are possibilities of proxy play.
ii. While in proxy play, the character will not play any place else or in other proxy scenes, or electronic forums.
c. Travel Risks: Melbourne, while having numerous points of entry and exit is a very dangerous place, numerous Law Enforcement agencies, local institutions and the city’s supernatural population all have an interest in keeping an eye on who enters and leaves the city and what they do while there. Any travel through the VSS carries at least the possibility of an incident which may intercept, redirect, turn-away or even harm a traveling character. All travel through this VSS must be reported to the VST and may involve a hard proxy at the ST’s discretion.

6: Experience Award Guidelines
a. Per Game: PCs will be granted 4 xp per chapter, with an additional 1xp for good RP.
b. Downtime: There is a maximum of 3xp granted to players for submitting downtime actions between chapters. The amount of Xp awarded during each submission is dependent on the level of detail and activity of each submission. Such examples for submissions include:
- Submission of Downtime Action
- Submission of Media in relation to their character (Drawings, Journal Logs, Video Blogs, etc)
- Submitting detailed soft role play scene (please submit chat logs, email chain, audio/visual recording, etc)
c. Downtime Handling Procedure Downtimes are due two weeks before game to allow for processing time. Downtimes may be submitted as individuals or as a Group.
d. Crossover limitations (Physical, merit-only, information, firewalled/none) and expectations. (NB: all crossover requires both Mid Approval and the approval of the appropriate VST) Crossover with other venues is allowed with Mid Approval; a session may be set aside for it if more than one scene is required.
All proxies will be hard proxies.


7: Visiting Character Guidelines:
All characters must provide an XP Log. Visiting characters will be asked about their goals when entering the city and asked to defer to characters with local status. The Storytellers reserve the right to deny entry to characters that will be unbalancing or detrimental to the stability of the game. The Storytellers also reserve the right to remove such a character from play.
8: Information for New Folks (new to Cam)

We will mentor new players giving them options for in game sires and use of the White Lanyard.

9: Approvals and Record keeping
Any application for a special approval item or power submitted for a character assigned to this VSS should demonstrate an understanding of theme, consequences, responsibility, and self-restraint. A complete character sheet, including XP log, and a reasonably complete and detailed background should be kept filed and up to date with the VST

Approval Number: VTRVSS-1307-Melbourne