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Template:PC Summary Awakening

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Mistress of the Mysterium



Rank: "Do not presume to know me simply by my rank"

Physical description: A rather tall and imposing woman in her mid-twenties with her black curly hair more often tied back in a no-nonsense pony tail. Often seen wearing square framed glasses, and favoured attire seems to be a collared shirt with jeans and either hiking boots or runners. Has also been known to also wear geeky T-shirts. Owns and wears a leather riding jacket.

Nimbus: Ever the Australian, A'Grania's nimbus takes the form of a kookaburra flying over her head before fading, leaving a single tail feather tucked into A'Grania's hair. A kookaburra's call is heard at the same time.
During offensive magic, three kookaburras appear flying overhead, their cries temporarily deafening the opponent.


Awakened: 2012

Recent events



"We seriously need to fix those posters."
"What is this? A Joke? Gina Rhinehart and Shriek walk into a bar?"


The Doctor: "I found her pants!"
The Forge: "Where were they?"
A'Grania: "Under The Doctors bed."


Whilst often cranky and possibly nasty, A'Grania is possibly nicer than she appears. Possibly.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Indiana Jones meets a research assistant with a dash of librarian thrown in.

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Claire
Number: AU2013040002
Domain: Armidale