Brisbane Lost History

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(Feel free to add events here)
1800s - The first Changeling in (what would become) Brisbane emerge in Moreton Bay on Stradbroke Island as the Penal Colony started to draw in large numbers of new faces, leading to the formation of the Moreton Bay Trod. (Now the Amity Point Trod)
1830s - Freehold Commons established in a sheep farm Homestead in (now) Nundah by four Changeling seeking the shelter and protection of the Wyrd in the response to a Fae origin Plague which coincided with the arrival of a real world plague brought by Quaker Missionaries and the Loyalists/Privateers who accompanied them in 1836.
1900s - Brisbane was named a city, The Freehold has remained fairly small at this point, becoming almost friendly with only the same small group of Loyalists as neither group is able to oust the other. The number of Lost, free or Loyal is stable and low.
1940s - The Freehold/Loyalist dichotomy was fairly stable until WWII (~1941) when The Eagle Farm Racecourse became the standing ground for thousands of American Troops when the sudden influx of troops opened up two new Trods. One in Eagle Farm Racecourse and One in Archerfield Airport.
The First Monarchs make it to the Trod's first as The Others lead the Wild Hunt from Arcadia into the real world. They clash and in the Battle one of The Others is slain by the Summer Queen. Together they drive back the Loyalists and open up both Trods for Lost to escape through.
Lost population in the city thrives and grows, making relationships between Loyalist and Freehold Lost quite tense. The quantity of glamour manipulation and emotional static helped to cause the Brisbane riots.
1950s - The Freehold formally formed with all the new Lost.
The Legendary First Monarchs depart from Brisbane, never to be seen until the modern day, founding the Knighthood of the Purest Light to watch over the Freehold.
The Second Monarchs managed to negotiate entrance into the Supernatural Concord, the price they paid has been kept secret. 1960s - The Loyalists are repelled from an unexpected and unprecedentedly forceful assault on the Archerfield Trod, in the battle the garrisoned troops of the summer court are decimated, Crimson King Robert, was discovered in the centre of the Hollow surrounded by hedge monsters. The Loyalists forces were so bloodied by the Summer defence that they weren't able to take the Trod. 1980s - A trod opens in The Gold Coast, Loyalist presence in Brisbane briefly diminishes in the meantime.
The Commonwealth Games are held in Brisbane, a Loyalist plot to take a large group tourists to Arcadia due to the Information of Winter and the actions of Spring.The Freehold wonder at the fact that no retaliation is taken. 1990s - The Second Spring King and his two close friends, Rosa and Ivan, vanish. They're confirmed missing when their hollow is broken into by concerned courtiers after a few weeks of absesnce. No sign of struggle, or coercion, simply their clothes are discarded in a trail leading into the brambles. 2000 - One of the bloodiest skirmishes between The Freehold and Loyalists in recent history. Mother Lupa had just escaped from Arcadia, with Loyalists hot on her heels and the First Response closing in. The mess started when Jack managed to overtake and attack Lupa, the First Response were cut off by the rest of the Loyalists. The First Response rescued the new Lost, but they lost the battle. Two dead and one taken, in return for two critically wounded for the Loyalists.
2008 - The Year of Summer. The Freehold loses control of the Archerfield Trod to the Loyalists followed by the Eagle Farm Trod, in response to this unprecedented imbalance in power between the loyal and Free Changeling, the Summer Monarch declares Martial Law and takes sole leadership of the Freehold. During his rule, the Eagle Farm Racecourse/Domestic Airport Trod is reclaimed but infighting prevents the war effort from retaking the Archerfield one.
2010 - The Freehold Pledge is missed during an argument, as The Summer Army and The Spring Court are taken and killed en masse in an ambush. During the argument the Freehold is attacked, hordes of screaming lurkgliders and burrowing tunnelgrubs complement the baying hounds and roaring winds and fire. The Freehold scatter and flee. Two weeks later The Knighthood of The Purest Light bring the scattered Lost together to reswear the Freehold Pledge. The Freehold establishes the Regency system in it's earliest dual Regent system with Ada and Lizzy Spoons for the six months of Drought then a six months of Storm. 2011 - The Regency ideal updates to the simpler, single regent system, The Drought season from June to November and then Storm season from December to May. Drought Regent: Storm Regent: 2012 - Drought Regent: Storm Regent: 2013 - The reign of (Storm Regent) has come to an end, the Freehold begins the prepare for the reswearing of the Freehold Pledge and the Election of the Regent.