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Volmark Banner.jpg

General Information

Sire: Godric Volmark.

Bloodline: Proudly Untainted

Titles: Bishop of Brisbane, Cardinal of Queensland, Ritter of the Order of the Black Cross

Coteries/Societies: House Volmark, Order of the Black Cross

Notable Traits:

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1660 - Born on January 4th 1660 (Gregorian) in Bad Mergentheim.
  • 1667 - Sent to study at with the monks of the Teutonic Order at the age of 7
  • 1670 - Taken as a squire to a Knight
  • 1677 - Became a Knight of the Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem
  • 1683 - Commanded a small unit of Teutonic Knights that assisted in lifting the siege of Vienna from the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1684-1699 - Participated in The Great Turkish War, as both a mortal and a kindred.
  • 1684 - Captured by Turkish soldiers while on a mission. His release was incidental after several knights easily killed his captors and releasing the Christian knight. Unbeknownst to Ulrich one of the knights was Godric Volmark, and it was this incident that first garnered the attention of the vampire.
  • 1685 - After lengthy philosophical debate with an Angel of Death is offered the embrace by Godric Volmark
Battle of Zenta.jpg
  • 1697 - Ulrich encountered a kindred in the aftermath of the Battle of Zenta, the other kindred spoke some words to Ulrich before turning away.
  • 1698 - Whatever was said to Ulrich by Alim had a profound effect on the young kindred. He turned back to his faith and returned to sire.
  • 1698 - Joined the Lancea Sanctum, and the Order of the Black Cross. Pietro Navishenko tutors Ulrich in the finer points of the covenant.
  • 1700 - Battle of Holstein. After a lengthy and bitter conflict, the Valdyr look set to take the field. Vilrec and Batavia clash in personal combat. Vilrec nearly destroys Batavia, but is prevented by the timely intervention of Godric. Vilrec flees the field, taking his forces with him. Both sides withdraw temporarily from open hostilities, to lick their wounds. Batavia sinks into voluntary Torpor from her injuries.
  • 1714-1718 - Ulrich watched the Ottoman empire make its push into Venetian controlled Greece. After Austria joined the war in 1716, Ulrich took up arms against a foe that had followed him from life to undeath.
  • 1720 - While watching a battle in which Batavia and Pietro fought an enemy, Ulrich noticed the battle turn against his brood mate and mentor. He began to move forward on his horse and when he noticed Pietro go limp he rushed forward to save his mentor. Ulrich saved Pietro in the nick of time before the enemy overran their position. Ulrich took charge of his torpored ally until Pietro awoke again, gaining the eternal gratitude of the kindred, it is rumoured that Pietro offered Ulrich a life boon for saving his life. Not long after this event Ulrich was seen wearing a Daeva rose on his garment.
  • 1738 - The Papal Bull known as In Eminenti Apostolatus was decreed by Pope Clement XII, it forbid Christians being members of the the Freemasons, not long after Ulrich began to see decrees by various Lancea Sanctum Bishops throughout Europe forbidding membership in secret societies.
  • 1740 - Travels to England, after hearing once again from Pietro. He joins his old friend and enjoys the hospitality of a new country.
  • 1751 - Pietro is torpored, much to the dismay of Ulrich. Ulrich assists in finding a comfortable place for Pietro to lay until he wakes from his torpor.
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  • 1770 - After reports from Captain Cook regarding the discovery of a new land, Ulrich begins to pay attention to the news. He is particularly interested about a population of indigenous people, godless people. Ulrich believes it won't be long before the word of god is brought to them.
  • 1772 - In an incident while returning home to the Volmark estates, Ulrich is incapacitated and put into torpor. Volmark guards managed to capture several humans who were responsible for the incident, they were later executed as hunters.
  • 1776 - Ulrich awoke from his first torpor, discovering he did not fully remember everything that had happened before his accident. Batavia assisted Ulrich in his recovery and eventual recollection of many memories that were almost lost to The Fog.
  • 1785-1800 - Ulrich joins Lothar's campaign against the Valdyr, urging caution as his cuts through the enemy. Despite Ulrich's concerns by the time the campaign is over many Valdyr lay dead.
  • 1800-1805 - Ulrich goes into private seclusion for many years to focus on the atrocities that he saw and partook of during the last few years.
  • 1805-1815 - After much prayer and personal reflection Ulrich eventually slips into torpor in the hopes of healing his fractured humanity.
  • 1820 - Ulrich is once again attacked by a group of hunters, although this time he was able to defend himself easier than the last time he had a run in with them. As the last hunter lay dying Ulrich gave the man a chance to confess his sins, in his dying breath the man spoke the name of his employer.
  • 1835 - Ulrich finally caught a break regarding the kindred who keeps sending hunters after him. His information leads him to believe they are in Western Europe.
  • 1840 - Travelled through Spain with Pietro as they searched for an old quarry
  • 1844 - Embraced Esteban Cortes in Barcelona after witnessing the decline of his family estates.
  • 1849 - Introduces his childe, Esteban Coretes, to the rest of his family. In the same act releasing his childe.
  • 1855 - Travelled with a group of German immigrants to Nundah, Australia
  • 1860 - Helped form the first court of Brisbane.
  • 1870-1890 - Over the next 20 years Ulrich travels throughout the colonies of Australia, taking note of how the other courts of Australia are structured.
  • 1890 - Ulrich finally returns to the colony of Queensland and makes preparations to establish the Diocese of Brisbane. Using the notes he gathered over the last few years and his knowledge from Europe.
  • 1901 - Celebrations were made to mark the Federation of Queensland, Ulrich did not care much for it and was known to made flippant remarks about the whole situation.
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  • 1906 - The Cathedral of St Johns is started, unbeknownst to everyone watching it will be almost 100 years before it is fully completed. Ulrich hopes to use this Cathedral to bolster the Lancea Sanctums strength. Ulrich also established the Brisbane Archives, a place of Lancea Sanctum power that held much knowledge of the covenant. Its location remains a secret to all but those who are anointed.
  • 1910 - With a major blood drought in the works, Ulrich began looking for ideas on how to assist with preventing kindred falling into torpor. Ulrich had idea of storing blood, but unfortunately had no method for enacting this idea. Thankfully the issue of the blood drought did not last too long.
  • 1920 - Began to make preparations for his sires immigration to Australia, Ulrich began to expand the currently quite small Necropolis to allow for a larger population. After expanding the Necropolis and with the influx of family into Australia, Ulrich opens up the Necropolis to the family as a place to rest in torpor. Ulrich steps up to act as Warden of those interred
  • 1930 - Vocally opposed the interaction with the other groups of supernatural creatures, instead demanding they be brought to justice for the destruction of kindred.
  • 1935 - After the formation of the Concord Ulrich kept his concerns to himself, knowing that his opposition would just ostracise himself now.
  • 1943 - Ulrich was content to watch the events of the Battle of Brisbane play out, however when the Red Cross came under attack he decided to mobilise his allies to protect some of the family assets. The end result being that much of Ulrich's personal influence was lost and the family holdings were damaged.
  • 1950-1955 - Ulrich enters torpor for the last time in his history, the weight of his blood causing his actions to become slow and out of touch with everyone else.
  • 1963 - After the former Prince Zenobia goes mad with power, Ulrich leads the Lancea Sanctum and many other kindred of good standing against Zenobia in a Praxis claim that removes her from power. Ulrich also called Pietro Navishenko into Brisbane to assist in dealing with Zenobia, however he was rendered incapacitated in one of the first engagements with her.
  • 1970 - After several years of holding Praxis in Brisbane Ulrich is persuaded by his advisor's to abdicate Praxis in order to avoid all out conflict with the domain of Toowoomba.
  • 1975 - Led a contingent of Lance from Queensland down to Sydney to deal with the infestation of Brood that had taken hold in the city.
  • 1976-1978 - Tutored Charles Lawrence while he lived in Brisbane. Much of the tutoring involved bringing the neonate up to speed on the families religious beliefs.
  • 1980-1985 - Spends another few years travelling around the country to get to know many of the kindred, especially the Lancea Sanctum who now inhabit this country.
  • 1990 - Ulrich begins to turn his attention towards maintain the power base of Brisbane and Toowoomba. Ulrich works to significantly expand the Lancea Sanctum Archives in Brisbane, adding many rare documents to it.
  • 2003 - Travelled to Adelaide with a group of Lance to deal with a threat, not much information is given regarding the trip.
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2013 - Details

Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details



Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Berangaria perhaps you should rein in Alvyss' leash". - Spoken to Berangaria a few seconds after Zenobia murdered a kindred in Elysium.

Quotes About

"You wish to understand my family? You question my brother's utility? Fool. Between my ice and Lothar's fire lies Ulrich's steel - der Engel, der Heilige, und der Teufel - all three of us elements of the sword of our Sire; and there could be no cutting edge without him."

- Batavia.


"Quote" - reference


  • Owes Tybalt, current Prince of Brisbane, a Major boon. There is much speculation why Ulrich owes Tybalt such a large boon considering Ulrich has done things that should have wiped the debt.
  • Ulrich puts his devotion to the Longinite Church before his family - which not even his foamingly zealous brother, the hot-blooded Lothar, does...and he is terrified they will find out.
  • Is tired of House Volmark's allies referring to his tier of the family as consisting of the Consigliere, the Gonfaloniere...and the Spare.
  • Pietro Navishenko owes Ulrich Volmark a Life Boon for saving his life in the distant past.

Inspirations and Soundtrack



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  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Nathan Bickerton
Number: 2005102705
Domain: Brisbane