Archived-Alemonia Arlington

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Template:PC Summary Awakening

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Born: June 12, 1968; Perth, Australia

Age: 45

Rank: Famulus Superior


Various nicknames and aliases: Has previously been known by the Shadow Name of Levana

Physical description: >: Alemonia is a tall, dark haired woman with a definite preference for earthy colours and rainbows. Though in her mid-40's the years have been kind to her and she appears much younger with typical Arlington good looks and arrogance. Her movements are graceful and self assured, though slower now as her pregnancy advances.

Nimbus: Crystalline Radiance - background colours become muted as light radiates around her, colours around her becoming vibrantly intense. With particularly powerful magic a rushing wind can be heard that carries the faint keening of a woman in labour


Awakened: 1992, in Bangladesh

Initial Master: Augusta Arlington

1985 - 1991 Studies Medicine at UWA 1992 - Awakens while travelling in Bangladesh with the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) 1992-1994 - Completes her Apprenticeship and joins the Silver Ladder 1994-1995 - Trains as a Lictor 1995-2003 - Travels frequently throughout Australia serving the Silver Ladder as a Lictor 2003 - Retires as a Lictor to take up Herald of the Consilium of the Golden Swan 2009 - Steps down as Herald to become the Obrimos Councillor 2012 - Abruptly retires from active involvement in Consilium politics citing personal reasons.


Alemonia belongs to the Arlington Family
Awakened Family members -
Romulus Arlington
Remus Arlington
Cassandra Arlington
Helenus Arlington
Artemis Arlington
Apollo Arlington
Magnus Arlington


Early in 2013 Alemonia falls pregnant


Quotes by

  • "We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. But one way or another, I will get to the bottom of what happened. Your choice."

Quotes about


  • Alemonia isn't happy about her abrupt exit from involvement in Consilium politics, but her hands are tied by family loyalty



OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Claire Atwell
Number: 2005100736
Domain: Perth