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The City of Perth


The Vox Draconis or the Voice of the Dragon, the advisers of Awakened society, wishing to rebuild a unified community of mages under their leadership. Politicians and authoritarians, the théarchs believes in creating a perfect hierarchy (with themselves at the top, of course) which will seize control of reality, subjugating it to the will of mankind; this dream is not without its altruistic appeal. As a member of the Ladder might point out, control over reality could bring an end to human suffering in all its forms.

  • Rote Specialties: Expression, Persuasion, Subterfuge.
  • Order Tools: Any badge or symbol of authority.


this is information about the whims about the crypt and the main focus...

Organisation Merits Description
- - -

Current Members

Alemonia Arlington

Cassandra Arlington
Helenus Arlington
Hyman Arlington
Remus Arlington
Romulus Arlington
Marshall Mann
Old Nick

History of the Perth Silver Ladder

Position Holders



Status is gained in the Silver Ladder through political advantage, spreading the importance of the Elemental Precepts and achievements in cryptopoly.
Neophyte (–): Unknown,
Neophyte (•): Known to a small part of Order; considered to have "taken the mantle" as a full member of the Order; may be made Acolyte.
Famulus (••): Known to majority of Order in region; assumed to have taken positions of personal or administrative leadership in community; expected to mentor at least a single neophyte; may be made Lictor.
Famulus Superior (•••): Known to majority of Order in nearby regions; assumed to have taken positions of public leadership in Consilium; may be made Claviger.
Magister (••••): Known to majority of Order in country; assumed to have positions of influence and leadership over large areas; may be made Deacon.

Greater or Grand Magister (•••••): Exemplar of Order ideals; assumed to be the masters of the Order.

Each dot in Status grants a discount to purchasing a specific type of Merit, reducing the cost to New Rating x1 for that Merit.
The Merits for the Silver Ladder are:

Allies: Silver Ladder mages frequently make friends in a variety of strange places, many of them involved in some capacity in the cryptopoly.
Contacts: Sometimes it seems that the Silver Ladder somehow knows everyone of importance, and are capable of activating networks of useful informants from a bewildering variety of interests.
Resources: Money seems to flow easily and without real effort to mages of the Silver Ladder. Status: Many Silver Ladder magi seek out involvement and power in various Sleeper organizations, agencies and businesses.

Retainer: Silver Ladder mages frequently employ the aid of a number of very useful individuals loyal to them. This includes not just Sleeper Retainers, but also Sleepwalkers and Proximi.

The Caucus

Silver Ladder Caucuses gather once a week, generally speaking.
Acolyte (•): Acolytes are those younger magi of the Order who are actively involved in the affairs of the Caucus and Order. Not every young magus of the Silver Ladder is given this status - those who spend most of their time alone or with their cabals, who have no time to tend to the needs of the deacon and higher-ranked thearchs remain simply neophytes.
Factotum (••): Acolytes who decide to study the Lex Magica intently may be declared a factotum of the Caucus. This requires Academics 3 (Specialty: Lex Magica), Investigation 1, Occult 2, Politics 2 and Persuasion 2. These magi are to make themselves available to anyone who needs the knowledge of the Lex Magica, and in many ways serve as a sort of barrister or lawyer for a Consilium.

Lictor (••): Wanderers without home or apprentices, lictors are the roaming judges of the Silver Ladder, called upon to interpret law. Though they maintain regular circuits, they are also at the beck and call of the Ladder in the places they serve, and may be summoned from their normal routes for specific, pressing events. Only a lictor can name another lictor. Lictors have the following benefits:
Immunity: A lictor may not be challenged to a duel over his duties, nor are they beholden to oaths that would limit their function.
Judgment: A lictor's judgment is final, and there is no appeal, and it applies to magi of any rank. Lictors may also determine the format of the trial, though factotums may investigate the evidence and are to be granted full access to the lictor's findings.

Support: In the course of an investigation or trial, the lictor may command all of the resources available to the Silver Ladder in that Consilium. He can also lay claim to acolytes in a caucus, ordering them to aid him.
Claviger (•••): The "key holders" are the ones responsible for maintaining ideological purity. They have proven they understand the Elemental Precepts, and usually act as the caucus' emissaries to the Consilium. Clavigers are also the Order's primary "missionaries," convincing other mages of the necessity of the Elemental Precepts, though they must do so first by example and secondarily by subtle evangelism. Most Acolytes are assigned to a specific Claviger, who tends to fill the role of "middle management."

Deacon: Leader, lawgiver, priest and chief representative, the deacon rules the Caucus. He sets the Caucus' agenda, summons lictors, organizes Convocations. Many deacons also sit on the Council in a Consilium (usually with a Claviger as his Provost).

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