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Template:PC Summary Requiem

Eira Sketch.jpg


Eira (pronounced air-ah) is the warm, gentled heart of the Valdyr: still young and untouched from the ravages of her Requiem. Affectionately called the 'cub', her martial prowess is nothing like the rest of her family, but she's proven to be a vital addition when it comes to handling the family's matters, easily moving through and sorting out issues as they crop up.

Apparent Age: 19
Concept: Mistress of the Longhouse
Faction: Collectivists

Notable Traits

  • Striking Looks ••••
  • Fame • (Businesswoman)


Blonde hair, blue eyes, and sweet looks - along with classy, well-cared for blonde hair that wafts thickly around her head. She loves thick, warm jackets, and usually pairs them with very modest cocktail dresses, covering everything below her neck.


Eira has a sweet personality, though she occasionally comes across as a bit desperate to please. Along with being rather eager and willing to help, she's also rather optimistic, often to a fault. The smile's backed up by a sharp mind and an iron determination, though, and the combination of charm, intelligence and willpower has served her well in building up her business empire.

Mortal World

Most of the mortal world doesn't particularly know her, but her face and name is vaguely familiar. Operating under her mortal identity, Molly Bairre, she maintains a large portfolio of various investments, properties, and employees for the family, managing everything from a group of political lobbyist to a charitable religious organization to a private health care company - and then some.

That said, there's also articles about her, gossiping about nocturnal habits, religious faith, and the rest of her family. There was even a recent piece about the massive arctic wolf she keeps as a 'pet'.

Information Known by Kindred Society

She's the subject of some small gossip - polite and well-versed in politics, and very willing to assist the Court. That same gossip also condemns her for being too soft-hearted and attached to her Humanity, and general consensus is that she's simply one of those 'young ones' - and, of course, everyone knows that she's unreleased.

However, the fact that she's unreleased also means that nobody knows much about what she does, outside of the House and the Carthians. Even people who ask her outright for her affiliation are told that, being a still unreleased Childe, any decision she makes lacks any real standing behind it. Current rumor is that she's obviously leaning towards the political powerhouse of the Invictus, like her Sire. It makes perfect sense.


  • 2008
    • Embraced. Violently.
    • Quickly placed in the vital role of rehabilitating her Sire, while receiving instruction from him.
    • Starts managing his assets - before discovering the treasure trove of resources the family hold.
    • Hadegi, a private enterprise contracting under the state government, is founded.
    • Is discovered by Lupo, and told about the Lance.
  • 2009
    • Attends first formal Court of Brisbane.
    • Meets with Lothar for the first time.
      • The brief mentorship he offers lasts only a short span of three months.
    • Begins studying at the University of Queensland, part-time.
    • Acknowledged as a member of Clan Gangrel.
    • Formally announces her interest in the Carthians, while rejecting sponsorship into the Lancea Sanctum.
  • 2010
    • Starts to become active within her Covenant. Very, very active.
    • During the Federal Election, meets with federal representatives and helps break the stalemate with the help of Triple Threat.
      • Rumors abound that an Invictus plot was foiled in the process.
      • Batavia sends an angry letter to Rasmus, stating her displeasure at the supposed 'bait'.
Hadegi Logo.png
  • 2011
    • Hadegi begins to grow, becoming a significant corporation in Brisbane, backed by her allies and resources among the Carthians and Valdyr.
      • Eira starts stepping back from the company to focus on studying medicine and handling the organization of the Carthians.
        • Mortal members of the Valdyr family are employed to manage most aspects of the business.
      • Plans for Hadegi Watchtower, a building in the middle of Brisbane's CBD, are submitted to City Hall and approved.
        • When finished, it'll be the tallest building in Australia. Some architects have also observed that the structure seems to have the capability to be built far taller...
    • Formal combat training amongst House Valdyr commences.
      • The infamous 'one-shot torpor' incident occurs.
    • Publicly uses her influence to solve a problem facing Doubting Thomas, making the size of her powerbase within Brisbane very clear.
      • Gets paid a Minor Boon for it, too!
  • 2012
    • With the assistance of her fellow Carthians, starts getting work performed on the 'Frenzy Gun'.
      • Tests do not bear fruit. The prototype is placed in storage.
    • The ground for Hadegi Watchtower is broken.
    • Finally becomes a subject of the Cacophony's gossip.
    • Receives the gift of a wolf retainer from Vilhemiina.
  • 2013
    • Hadegi has grown to be a massive conglomerate within Brisbane: a web of highly successful companies, though all with a sterling public reputation.
      • It gains mention in TIME as one of the fastest-growing companies in Australia.
        • There's rumors that it'll reach the Fortune 1000 soon.
      • Pointing to her success, Court gossip starts whispering that she'll soon be released from Rasmus' tutelage.
    • Hadegi Watchtower has finished most of the foundation and even started on the first floor.
      • At its current rate of construction, it'll be finished in late 2016.
    • A national interview with the 'private and driven' Molly Bairre is published, highlighting her dedication to her 'socially conscious business growth'.

Recent History

  • JUN - Accompanies her Sire to Court; narrowly avoids a nasty incident.
  • JUL - Again accompanies Rasmus to Court, quietly working by his side.
  • AUG - Released by her Sire.
  • SEP - Serves Tybalt as Secretary pro tempore for a Court gathering and Conclave.
  • OCT - Loses an election, and a lot more, besides.



Known Sire

Eira's relationship with her Sire is, at least on her end, absolutely devoted - a genuine, caring warmth that some have mistaken for the Vinculum. It's all the more surprising considering the events that led to her Embrace - a subject of quiet shame for him, but one she's seemingly forgiven him for. In fact, she seems to have pulled Rasmus from the depths of his Beast, helping him as best as she can while learning at his side.

Known Relatives

Eira and Vil have a fairly good relationship - while Vil's a on the inhuman side, and Eira's a little bit too goody-goody, they've bonded over the gift (a wolf retainer) that Vilhelmiina gave her, post-Embrace.
While Eira tries her best to get Adrian to open up, it hasn't worked - he is, however, responsible for finally managing to instill her with a small amount of combat skill and fitness, helping her find her strengths.
They've met occasionally, and when Aksel heard of her medical skills, she was contacted in the hopes she'd be able to assist his recovery.
With Eira's significant interest in medicine - though admittedly more in the field of mental health - it's not surprising that her and Charlotte get along splendidly. She's worked at Toowomba Hospital with Charlotte along with receiving a great deal of tutelage from her.

Known Childer

Eira has no known Childer, and has stated her lack of desire to grant the Embrace.

Known Mentors

There was a time when the faithful Catholic found about the dark religion of the Kindred, learning about it without telling her family. For whatever reason, she turned her back on it shortly after.
Henry is the Carthian responsible for honing Eira's natural business instinct. While it's rare to have friends in the Danse Macarbe, the two seem to get on splendidly, and work very, very well together.


Quotes By

"Helicopters and guns are one thing, but there is no way I'm learning to use those things!"
- A near-frenzied Eira, when being taught claws.
"My grandfather was traditional Irish stock; he grew up on the Galway Coast as the oldest of a pretty large family. So, inevitably, as he got older, he started being the patriach, managing all the gatherings, keeping everyone in line, and doling out advice. When there was trouble, he was there to help you, even if it was your fault. Not that he ever got anything for it, of course. Whenever anything went wrong, he'd catch the brunt of it, be it from one of his siblings or his wife. It wasn't often that people would overlook his mistakes, despite the work he put into keeping the Bairre family together.
But Pop never stopped putting everything he had into keeping that family going, making it work, and even when things got bad, people always respected him for what he did. He was the father to every single one of us, and a smile from him, while rare, was worth more than any amount of money I could make these days. You knew you were doing okay. You were proud, because Pop was proud of you.
I don't know where I'm going with this, actually. Talking too much again. But what I'm trying to get at is what he'd say when you did do something wrong, and he had to help you. 'I'm disappointed in you.' It was the way he'd say it. It was grave and serious, with just a hint of pain. You knew what you'd done wrong, that you'd neglected your responsibilities - be it anything as simple as mowing the lawn, or as serious as getting arrested. (Not that it ever happened to me.) It hurt.
And it made you strive even harder to get his smile of approval."
- Eira's diary entry for Saturday, November 17th, 2013.

Quotes About

"Listen to me carefully, niece. We are Valdyr. We are the Brood of Fenris, the great wolf who will slay Odin at the end of the world. We are warriors, every single one of us. I do not care if you intend to stay behind the front lines during moments of violence, and I do not care whether you intend to become a marksman or not. Frankly I think that you would be ill suited to such a role and would not have permitted you to stay in my platoon when I was a mortal sergeant. But understand this: I will not tolerate spiritual weakness in a family of warriors. You may never lift a gun outside of my firing range but if you lack the killer instinct to point that rifle at me and, without hesitation or remorse, put a bullet through my chest before I do the same to you then how do you expect to survive as a business leader? The Valdyr rely on you to ensure that we have resources, the most important aspect of war and survival, and doing that means ensuring your business is relentlessly successful. Understand that doing that means harming others, sometimes even ruining lives. If you can't show us that you have the killer instinct to do that here, where you know you're barely going to scratch me, then how can I trust you to do your part for the family in board rooms and business meetings when it's real? Now grab that rifle, and try again."
Adrian Dansk, lecturing Eira during an early training exercise.
"Seems I owe you my skin little one, for that I thank you, it would have been uncomfortable to look like burnt toast till the end days."
Aksel Vinter, to Eira at the family gathering after awakening from Torpor.
"She is young, and she is learning. So I forgive her from time to time."
Vilrec Langlifr
"Wolves are predators, child, they do not like to be hand fed. They are noble animals who hunt without remorse for their prey. You'd be wise to learn that before you start trying to turn the child of my wolves into a vegetarian."
Vilhelmiina, after Eira tried to turn the wolf Vilhelmiina gave her into a vegetarian and the wolf becoming ill.
"For me? Oh, Rasmus, you shouldn't have. Though I generally prefer my morsels to have a little more fight in them...
And I know a baited hook when I see one."
Batavia, to herself, upon Eira's ill-advised visit to Canberra in 2010.
"She has eternity to learn to kill, to maim, to harm. To slowly give over to the madness that forces the beast to carnage; this will happen. For now, she needs to have the clarity that comes with peace or our line will destroy itself."
Rasmus Armfelt
"Also, never, ever go to another city without my express permission. You came within an inch of death and caused me no small amount of embarrassment. Do not think that simply because you are weak I will not discipline you."
Rasmus Armfelt, after Eira returned from Canberra.
"Eira did it!"
Dr. Delilah Drake, when The Doctor Whos were brought before Tybalt.
"Alright, guys. How do we help our little sister?"
Abraham Dowsland to the Carthians, upon Eira's breach of the Masquerade.
"She's beginning to irritate me."
Lothar after having his conversation interrupted again.


"Alright, uh, pack howl!"
"You don't tell people you're about to howl, childe. You do it - and everyone joins in."
Vilrec instructs Eira on the more subtle arts of being Valdyr.
"No, it's more like ee-ra."
"I thought it was ay-rah."
"Which is it?"
"... Now I don't even know any more."
The Valdyr quiz Eira on her name's pronunciation.


  • While her hold on her Beast is like iron, and near-unshakeable, the sight of claws is still enough to put her at risk of the Rötschreck.
  • Undoubtedly one of Rasmus' greatest disappointments.
    • Seriously. A stiff breeze could put her into torpor, and she fights like her arms are made of wet cardboard.
  • Frequently able to do favors for anyone, and rarely asks for recompense - as long as it's legal and moral.
  • Her businesses runs most of the above-ground, charitable services for the government of Brisbane, or lend assistance for a low price - her areas of influence range healthcare, the church to universities and homeless aid.
  • Knows the Ordo Dracul secrets necessary to stay awake during daylight.
  • Her current goal is to build the tallest building in the world, and she's always looking for investors.
  • Has the first Boon she ever earned - a minor, from Doubting Thomas, framed and on display in her office.
    • Speaking of Boons - the reason she owes a bunch to her family? It's so nobody will kill her for fear of inheriting a debt.
  • There's a big bet going on between her and an Elder of the Invictus.
    • Stupid bet, too.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Wings by Little Mix, covered by Jessica Sanchez
    • Mama told me not to waste my life: she said spread your wings my little butterfly!
  • I Just Can't Wait To Be King by Elton John, covered by Suburban Legends
    • Everybody look left! Everybody look right! Everywhere you look, I'm... standing in the spotlight!



  1. Acknowledged upon her release on the 31 August, 2013.


  1. Acknowledged as a member of the Carthian Movement within Brisbane.
  2. Recognized for her dedication to the ideals of the Movement and service to them.


  1. Acknowledged as a member of Clan Gangrel.




OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Charlie Kay
Number: 2012040010
Domain: Brisbane