Inquisition - Canberra Rite

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The following is a public rite used by the Inquisitor to commence the process of formal inquisition, and the encouraging of others to denounce Heresy. It takes place during the Midnight Mass as appropriate.

Edict of Faith

Brothers and Sisters, I have come before you because some of you have faltered in your purpose. Some of you have strayed from your most holy damnation. Some of you flirt with heresy and apostasy. This is unacceptable.

You betray your brothers and sisters. You betray the saints. You betray the 100 martyrs. You betray the Dark Apostles. You betray the First Childe. You betray the Centurion.

You betray God, and yourselves.

I, with blessing and full authority of this parish, call upon those that would falter, those that would destroy us, those that would seek to hinder the unstoppable purpose given to us by the God through his Dark Prophet, call upon those that fall, to confess.

Confess your failings and your sins, so that God may have mercy, and you may still perform his most divine purpose.

To those among you that know of what I speak, that know of the corruption and defilement within our community, I call upon you to do your duty.

For if you are a witness, and upon hearing the public charge to testify, you do not testify something you have seen or know, you bear their guilt.

We shall cleanse this parish, and in the fire those that remain will be all the stronger for it.

For we are the Grandeur,

We are Sanctified.

Oath Upon Giving Testimony

The following is used before any give testimony to an Inquisitor. It is spoken by the Inquisitor to the witness.

You are called this night to give witness. In doing so, do you swear before those present and Almighty God:

That you do no put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness? That you shall not circulate false report?
I swear.

That you do not testify so as to turn aside after many, to pervert God’s justice and wrath?
I swear.

That your testimony that you are about to give is whole and complete, for failing to give testimony of something you have seen or know, you bear the guilt as well?
I swear, by Almighty God.

As you have sworn, so shall it be.
Should your witness be false, and you testify falsely against your brother or sister, then we shall do to you as what was to be done to the accused. We shall show no mercy, life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.

As Longinus has spoken.


The following is used upon the completion of the trial. It is used by the Inquisitor, to the Bishop, with the whole congregation, including the accused and / or judged present.

For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God. But we are Damned, and have fallen all the more. Yet God, through his Dark Messiah, has given us purpose.

We come before you all this night, to bestow judgement upon the matter of (Name and nature of crime). (Accused), step forward.

If the Accused is found innocent:

Mene, Mene, Tekel. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
Yet in this matter, your predations are holy and acceptable in God’s sight. This matter is closed, go forth into the night and continue to be the predator God has commanded you to be, for you are the Grandeur.
I am Sanctified.

If the Accused is found guilty, or another to be Judged is called:

Mene, Mene, Tekel. You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.
By the mouths of two or more witnesses, the matter has been established. You have broken our Covenant, you have betrayed those who serve you and who you serve.
You have forsaken your purpose and turned against your maker.

If the judgement is Final Death:
Let those that remain now impale the wicked in the Sun before the Lord, in order that the fierce anger of the Lord may turn away from us, the Sanctified.

If the judgement is Torpor till judgement day:
You are wicked, and reserved for the night of doom. You shall be brought out on the day of wrath, to face the judgement of the Lord.

After judgement is passed:
Let now the judgement be carried out. For those that remain are the Grandeur, they are Sanctified.