The Ebon Tower
There grows no wheat where there is no grain.
- Ancient Egyptian Proverb
The Cause
The Ebon Tower exists to secretly increase the knowledge, status and fortune of clan Mekhet.
Part clan home-guard, part intelligence network, part tutoring group, part social club - the Ebon Tower was founded to allow the weakest of clan Mekhet to quickly grow strong, to encourage a civil framework for national clan dialogue and to provide greater flexibility and resources for any Mekhet who needs it.
The Charter
- Members of the Ebon Tower shall attempt wherever possible to aid each other in the furtherance of their position in Kindred society and advancement of their skills and knowledge, although not at the detriment of their own or another member’s position.
- The Ebon Tower will collectively endeavour to provide hospitality or assistance in furthering the knowledge, status or fortune of any Mekhet who requests it - excepting to those individuals who are currently subject to public judgement.
The Members
- Thrace - Ancient and Priscus (Circle of the Crone)
- Wolfric Abendroth - Priscus (Lancea Sanctum)
- Harry Wilson - Mortal-world contact (Carthian)
- Tybalt - Prince (Ordo Dracul)
- Selk de Winter - Seer (Circle of the Crone)
Jushur - Historian and occultist (Ordo Dracul)
- Sid Shaw - Priscus (Carthian)
If you'd like to join, contact Jushur/Alex