(ARCHIVED) Barnett Henderson

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Barnett Henderson.
Sect: Camarilla
Clan: Brujah (Masquerade)
City: Brisbane
Pack/Coterie: The Bastards.
Title: Title
Sire: Theodore Donowitz
Lineage: Line of Kaloyan.
Embraced: 6/6/1896
Generation: 11th
Player: Hayden Baulch
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
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Personal Information


Barnett, upon arriving in Brisbane, sported a brown longcoat, a white (and dated) formal shirt, a pair of brown trousers, a bandana tied around the neck, a bandolier, and a belt with holsters attached. He often sports a well-groomed van dyke, but has been known to have a full mountain-man beard. All of his hair is brunett, and his eyes are blue.


Barnett is the type of man who looks like he could explode at any minute, despite this he is calm in all things.

Mortal World

Before embrace Barnett was a Doctor, both surgical and diagnostic. He moved to Boston in 1893 to pursue his own fortune despite already being rich.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1860 - Born in Texas to Barnett Henderson Sr.; a 38-year-old man who made his fortune in Gold, and Nancy Cartwright; a 16-year-old showgirl.
  • 1878 - Moved to Boston, Massachusetts for College. Studying a Doctorate of Medicine.
  • 1885 - Finishes College with Flying Colours, top of his class. Moves back to Texas and opens a clinic to pay his Pa back.
  • 1891 - Barnett Sr. Dies of a heart attack, all of the Estate was left to Barnett. Barnett Jr. left the house to his mother.
  • 1892 - Sold his clinic for a fair price. Moved back to Boston a rich man. Buys a multi-building large property, the buildings being decommissioned factories. 2 of Converted the factories are turned into Housing, one a Large stay-in Clinic. He often took up police work on the side.
  • 1896 - Embraced by Theodore Donowitz, Ghouls his cousin Allistair Henderson.
  • 1897 - Forms the coterie "Ouroboros Libre" with a group of like-minded Gentlemen kindred and their respective ghouls.
  • 1900 - buys the 1900 print U.S. Edition of Les Miserables.
  • 1906 - Withdraws from public eye.
  • 1914 - Ouroborus Libre disappear for months at a time, occasionally resurfacing, until 1919.
  • 1920 - Barnett fights against the prohabition movement.
  • 1939 - Ouroborus Libre disappear for months at a time, occasionally resurfacing, until 1946. Some of the coterie fails to return from the conflict and the rest of the group disband after peace settles, vowing never to fight in a living man's war ever again.
  • 1980 - Attends the 1980's musical stage production of Les Miserables with Evangeline Séguier, Theodore Donowitz, and Allistair Henderson. All but ignores the Anarch/Camarilla war.
  • 2013 - Moves to Brisbane after attempts on his person, and the apparent death of his Ghoul.

Recent History


  • JAN - Settles into the Brujah headquaters with his sire.


Known Grandsire

Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Associations


Barnett has always seen Teddy as the father that he wish he had, and would do close to anything he asks.

Barnett is having trouble believing one of Teddy's would attack the Keeper of Elysium, but respects his ability and knows that Aaron can follow orders.

Emily and Candy seem somewhat respectable and intelligent.

  • Candy - Neonate Brujah, 'Cousin'.

As above.



Barnett seems confused as to where Evangeline might be.

Barnett is not sure what to make of him, despite what Teddy has to say.

Clearly suffering from female hysteria.

You've done your duty, nothing more. This is respectable.


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Inspector Javert from Les Miserable.
  • Doctor John Watson from Sherlock Holmes.
  • Deputy Marshal Everett Hitch from Appaloosa.



  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


  1. Given by Character on date for details.
  2. Given by Character on date for details.
  3. Given by Character on date for details.


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Hayden Baulch
Number: 2013080002
Domain: Brisbane