Archived-Connie Gambrell

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"Yes; they told me you were fools, and that I was not to listen to your fine words nor trust to your charity. You promised me my life; but you lied! You think that life is nothing but not being stone dead."
- Saint Joan, George Bernard Shaw

Template:PC Summary Requiem


Personal Information


Connie Gambrell, aka Miss Connie, aka Sister Connie, is conservatively pretty. Her long, perfectly neat dark honey-blonde hair is streaked lighter in places from the sun, but has obviously never seen the touch of dye or any styling more extreme than a monthly trim. She has a big, friendly smile, a graceful frame, large blue eyes and a propensity for simple, floaty dresses (and it's always dresses). She also has the telltale indicators of a once-tan now faded by the physical touches of the Requiem, but retains a general rosy, active effect that suggests an outdoorsy fitness. She doesn't look like a movie star, but the revelation that she was once Miss [Whatever Small Town She's From] wouldn't seem far-fetched. Observant characters may notice she wears a purity ring.
Mechanics: Blush of Health, Striking Looks 2.


Friendly, upbeat, and completely accessible, Connie Gambrell is what most people would consider "a sweetheart". She's a devout Tollisonite, and also what most people would consider "a bible-basher". She's compelling, though; there's a charisma, there, an unexpected force of personality that makes it hard to walk away when she's talking. She's the missionary who, if she showed up at your door, you would find yourself inviting inside for tea, not quite understanding how it happened. She has a soft, Louisiana drawl, and a megawatt smile, and it's a beguiling combination. She seems a little ignorant, at times, but not stupid so much as naive; her occasional comments of a startlingly racist or homophobic nature are invariably accompanied by wide-eyed conviction, sugar-sweet tones and smiles that wouldn't melt butter. If you're not Sanctified, then Connie thinks you can be saved. And she means to save you.

Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society



This sweet little piece of cornbread showed up in Sydney in December, claiming to be fresh off a mission in Kenya, and that her Sire, the Seneschal Woodrow, had sent for her to come "home" to him for Christmas - but no-one could find him. For her first Court, she was entrusted to the supervision of Sister Fatimah bint Tariq al-Rashid ibn Ahamd al-Qedyem al-Mu'allima, the Iblist. Many things occurred that night, including a Praxis change from Jack Wolfe to Sawyer, and the insidious presence of a painting that seemed to live, with its subject moving within. By mistakenly referring to the Governor as Prince, she accidentally ran afoul of Tobias Mol, who called her the c-word and threatened to sever her hands for the offense - it was remarked, with some amusement, by those who observed this exchange that she seemed more offended by the former than frightened of the latter. In addition, she befriended the sad and lonely Maker, and met with Alexi Stukov, with whom she seemed somewhat familiar; Alexi's evident and undisguised enthusiasm for refreshing their acquaintance caused Fatimah to voice significant consternation.


January: Sawyer announces Connie as his new Seneschal, following in the steps of her Sire before her. She spends the rest of the evening running around, attending to her new duties, and, to many people's surprise, she quickly proves competant and assertive in the position.

February: Connie attends Tobias Mol's bunker celebration for the historical Night Of Three Princes, and in between managing Sawyer's business for him, including running interference on Governor Bush, meets the Crassus ghouls, brings a new convert into the Faith, is involved in the private indictment of the Bishop for his questionable actions at the previous Court, and is made horrified witness to the gruesome reality of Mol's true savagery.


Known GrandSire

Connie is aware of the Brood traitor, Bernard Estera. She has recently been made aware that is also her GrandSire. When pressed, she earnestly insists that the Brood member is an imposter impersonating Estera, the war hero, whose true ultimate fate she does not know.

Known Sire

Connie is the childe of Woodrow (whom she calls, "The Reverend"), the Seneschal of Sydney, and often referred to by other Sanctifed as the "daughter" in the family unit of himself and his wife, Audrey ("Mrs Reverend"). She seems to idolise him.

Known Siblings

Connie has no known siblings.

Known Childer

No known childer.


Quotes By

"Are you ready to let Longinus into your soul? Are you ready for your true purpose? Are you ready to re-enter the Lord's plan? I said, are you ready to re-enter the Lord's plan? I can't hear you! Are you ready? I said, louder! Are. You. Ready? DEUS VULT!" - Connie, whipping up the crowd before a Bishop's sermon.

Quotes About

"Does she think we don't see her, Mr Hobbes? Does she like what she sees?" - Mr Hobbes


*static*"Connie, Yegor attacking me, boon broken-!"*sounds of gunfire*
*sounds of screaming*"Fuck, is that a rhino...?!"*more screaming, more gunfire*
*dead line*
*tap, tap*"Sawyer."
*tap, tap*"Sawyer, copy?"
*tap, tap*"Sawyer, sing out and let us know you're still kicking!
*tap, tap*"SAWYER!"
"Aw, nuts."
- the last recorded conversation of Governor Sawyer, 23:17, 08/02/14.


  • Has been propositioned by Kaida.
  • Actually gave the Maker a kiss on the cheek for his mistletoe-dangling ploy. Ew...
  • Yegor seemed awfully friendly towards her...
  • Came out of nowhere, no-one had ever heard of her, and was appointed Seneschal on her second Court attendance. Who is she?
  • Got an apology out of Mr Hobbes.

Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • The Southern Gothic genre
  • Nell Sweetzer, The Last Exorcism
  • Sarah Newlin, True Blood
  • Gwynneth Gage, Hellblazer: Highwater
  • These girls
  • Never To Know by Lene Marlin - Alexi: Have you seen the way he acts sometimes? And when you ask, he'll say that he's okay. Have you seen how well he pretends? Laughs out loud before he looks away
  • Unframed by Ill Nino - Bernard Estera: I can't place the blame; you gave them pain, but they lied to me for years
  • Copperhead Road by Steve Earle - Daddy: "I learned a thing or two from Charlie, don't you know - you'd better stay away from Copperhead Road."
  • Animal I Have Become by Three Days Grace - Bobby Crassus: Help me believe it's not the real me
  • I Constantly Thank God For Esteban by Panic! At The Disco - Kindred society: And I, for one, can see no blood from the hearts and the wrists you allegedly slit, and I, for one, won't stand for this - if this scene were a parish, you'd all be condemned
  • Sick by Seven Wiser - the Requiem: Can't you see the wars in me? This isn't over!, God, can you just take someone's life away?
  • Down In The River To Pray by Allison Krauss: Oh, sinners, let's go down, down in the river to pray
  • World On Fire by Trading Yesterday: There is a hope beyond this night, there is a Saviour in the sky giving us life to set this world on fire. So, as the darkness closes in, know that the sun will shine again, bringing salvation to this world on fire
  • Preacher's Daughter by Maggie Rose: Oh, what's become of the preacher's daughter?
  • Lake Pontchartrain by Ludo: That's the story, why would I lie? There were no bodies, I've got none to hide
  • American Girl by Tom Petty: Well she was an American girl, raised on promises; she couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to life, somewhere else. After all, it was a great big world, with lots of places to run to, and if she had to die trying, she had one little promise she was gonna keep
  • Blood On The Bluegrass by Legendary Shack Shakers: Blood-red blood on the blue bluegrass; it cries from hallowed hunting ground - 'twas the midnight curse of that bloody black patch, that took another poor boy down
  • The Legend Of Wooley Swamp by Charlie Daniels Band: Now that's been fifty years ago and you can go by there, yet; there's a spot in the yard in back of that shack, where the ground is always wet, and on certain nights if the moon is right, and you're down by that dark footpath, you can hear three young men screaming, and you can hear that old man laugh
  • 99 Problems by Hugo: Tip my hat to the sun in the West, feel the beat right in my chest - at the crossroads a second time, make the Devil change his mind. It's a pound of flesh, but it's really a tonne
  • Drifter by Decemberadio: I used to have a home, a place I started from, a place to call my own - bright lights and late nights. The Devil took me on a midnight ride, left me out in the desert on my own and now I feel alone
  • Voodoo by Godsmack: I'm not the one who's so far away, when I feel the snakebite enter my veins


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: P. Saunders
Number: 2003100615
Domain: Sydney