Lupine Lore

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Classic WoD: | Vampire: The Masquerade | Clans (Masquerade) | Sects | Coteries

Lupine Lore 1

Werewolves do, in fact, exist; they're also a lot like the creatures in movies. Like all creatures, they may be vulnerable to certain things that folklore suggests: wolfsbane, silver, holy water, etc. The tendancy is to live in the wilderness. Oh yes, and they are highly, highly dangerous, doubly so when enraged.

Lupine Lore 2

Werewolves tend to cluster in packs, much like wolves do. And yes, some of them do, in fact, live in the city but tend to not take a pro-active role in human affairs. Injuring them with religious objects is not reliable; and they may well possess supernatural abilities. You are also aware of them having at least three seperate forms: human, wolf, and an intermediate hard-as-fuck to kill form.

Lupine Lore 3

Werewolves actually have about 5 forms and some look like normal dogs in their wolf form. Through trial and error, you may consistently say: silver definately works. You are well aware of the fact that they do have some mortals that aid them on a regular basis. You are also aware that they have some enemies that specifically target them, and appear to have a social order more complex than normal wolves; the details on both these elude you, however.

Lupine Lore 4

You have heard the term Garou used to refer to werewolves. You know that their way of life is close to nature, and that there are probably a dozen or so breeds of werewolves which affect how they organize or act. You have an idea that the mortals who live and deal with them are Kin to them, somehow. You are well aware that standard powers include blinding speed, extraordinary strength, the ability to marshal the forces of nature as well as disappearing from sight and traveling unseen. You are aware that they can go into fits of blind rage. You also know that they have three distinct sets of enemies: an outcast group, a megacorporation, and a third, unknown set.

Lupine Lore 5

You are aware that the Garou have 13 tribes. You know that they have an internal structure based on strength and speed, complete with Alphas, just as in wolf society. You know Garou mating is wonky, but not how, exactly. You know Garou have their own religion and priests, which seems to be living in fear of a day of judgement. You have a clue that Garou social dynamics are based around a system of honor; and that the more aged a Garou is, the better he can command his spiritual powers. You know that they cluster around a single, central location, dominated by one Alpha. You may have heard of the Black Spiral Dancers, and know they are also werewolves; you might have heard of the worm and weaver, but don't know what those groups are. And you know that something about Garou makes humans panic… just not what.