Followers of Set Lore

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Classic WoD: | Vampire: The Masquerade | Clans (Masquerade) | Sects | Coteries

Followers of Set Lore 1

  • You are familiar with what Clan you are.
  • You know other people don't like you because you're a Setite. The toreador might be an exception to this, whom we have had a long and loving relationship with.
  • You know that there is a god called Set that you're supposed to follow.
  • You know that Set is an Egyptian god and that he was equated with death, storms, chaos, and darkness.
  • You know that there are temples, usually associated with the Masons in a town. (You have no idea where or what is in them.)
  • You know that Setites don't like light.
  • You know that people equate you with reptiles.
  • You are familiar with the basic uses of Serpentis.

Followers of Set Lore 2

  • You know that you are not Camarilla or Sabbat, but part of an independent clan.
  • You know that most people believe you were embraced to corrupt, even though that's not necessarily the truth.
  • You know that you are extremely sensitive to light, because of some part of the religion that has to do with Ra.
  • You know that others consider you evil because you are a corruptive snake.
  • You know who your priests are and listen to what they say.
  • You are aware of what it means if someone is named -Osiris- within the clan.
  • You know where your temple is.
  • You are familiar with the intermediate uses of Serpentis.
  • You have heard stories of Magi, sorcerers of the clan but have no idea who one is or what they do.
  • You have also heard of the Medjay, Warriors of the clan and protectors of the temples.
  • You know there is a pecking order to the clan, and that cult leadership, temple construction and skills are needed to advance on it.
  • You have an idea how to build a proper temple, but are unsure of the exact expectations.
  • You are aware of one or two of the most prominent national cults.
  • You are familiar with the story of Set and Apophis, and you know that worshiping Apophis over Set is bad.
  • You have heard the legends about Set and Osiris and that they fought with each other.
  • You are aware there is more to the story then just the Joseph Campbell version.

Followers of Set Lore 3

  • You know that Setites often masquerade as other clans, and which ones are the easiest to infiltrate.
  • You know that there is a third generation of vampires that are supposed to bring about Gehenna and that Set wants you to work towards that end.
  • You know where the Regional Temples are and how to get to them, you've seen them, you know the priests.
  • You have gained enough knowledge of Setite ritual and ceremony to be able to mimic it to a city sized cult.
  • You know the Paths of Set, that there are Typhonists, Ecstatics, and Warriors and that each of these has its own duties within the clan.
  • You understand the advanced uses of Serpentis.
  • You are aware of the Path of Corruption, a general overview of what it does, and that the Followers have access to other Paths.
  • You are fully versed in the different requirements for building various temples, up to and including Continental temples.
  • You know of most 'famous' or renowned Followers of Set (Wapawet, Kemintiri, Nefertiti, etc.) though only by reputation.
  • You are aware of all the national level cults and a handful of the smaller regional ones.
  • You are aware of the Serpents of Light and have a vague idea of their origin.

Followers of Set Lore 4

  • You know a sizable amount of Setite ritual and ceremony and have enough knowledge to run, construct and consecrate a regional temple in your city, as well as the basic information for running a Continental temple.
  • You know the location of the Grand Temple for your continent and have been inside, you know who the High Priest is.
  • You know that Set and Osiris fought, that Ra was their father, that Ra cursed Set, and that is why the Setites fear the light.
  • You know that there are many clan secrets that you have yet to see.
  • You know that there are mummies, or something like that, and that they are dangerous.
  • You have heard rumours of the Daitya...who worship a god other then Set.
  • You know that the 3rd generation have agents roaming around and that the 3rd generation shunned Set and this is why we corrupt.
  • You are aware of 3 or 4 various paths of Setite Sorcery.
  • You understand the elder powers of Serpentis.
  • You are familiar with and can identify the majority of Setites in your Region.
  • You are aware of most significant Setite lineages.
  • You are familiar with all the active cults, regardless of size.
  • You are familiar with the paths of Sutekh and Typhon and their core beliefs.
  • You are also aware that The Path of Ecstasy and Path of the Warriors are branches of the Path of Typhon.
  • You are familiar with the Follower's rivalry with the Illuminati.
  • You have heard stories involving Saulot and Malkav.

Followers of Set Lore 5

  • You are a philosopher in the ways of Set.
  • You know all about the rivalry written in texts about Set and Osiris, you know of Isis and Nepthysis, you know of the Mummy Horus and the Cult of Isis.
  • You have the ability (though may not necessarily) to construct, consecrate, and run a Continental temple and speak frequently with the High Priests of your continent, as well as those in other continents and the Grand temple.
  • You are familiar with ritual and have studied extensively in Egyptology as well as Setite Lore.
  • You are familiar with the fact that there are Followers of the faith who worship different gods but still hold to the same tenets of the path.
  • You might have met a few even.
  • You have heard rumours of a bloodline that lives in Mexico.
  • You are familiar with all the paths of Setite Sorcery
  • You can recognise almost any Follower of Set, at least by name.
  • You can name all of the major Setite temples throughout history