One Night Stan Submissions

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One Night Stan is an IC talk-back show anyone in the New Wold of Darkness can listen to made by Conrad White and broadcast over Tune!FM 106.9 in the Armidale regeion, streamed over and podcast at It airs monthly on the last Sunday of every Month, and the podcast is usually available soon after. We are always after content and you the players and storytellers of the New World of Darkness games can contribute in any way you see fit - however this page serves as a guide how to and what sort of content works best.


Submission Deadline: 20th of each month.

Email: (for scripts and Skype appointments)

Skype: One.Night.Stan (by arrangement through

Types of content are:

  • Calls
  • Interviews
  • Advertisements
  • News Articles

Types of submissions maybe:

  • Synopses
  • Scripts
  • Recordings
  • In Person
  • Via Skype

Types of Content


Stanley Roberts takes calls from anyone who rings in each episode.

The OOC purpose of these is to give some insight into the hidden supernatural world without overly revealing it or indicate that something else is going on.

Calls can be about anything, but will be judged on if it fits with the OOC purpose of calls and what is most entertaining (or if we can make it entertaining by Stan's response to them)

PCs and NPCs alike can call in, subject to the restriction that they must be able to ICly do so between 8pm and 10pm on a Friday night.

Given any call is a back and forth conversation, it is strongly advised that you send a synopsis or script first via email, so that the dialogue can be worked out.

You can suggest what Stan may say in a script/synopsis you send, however we may choose to modify this. If we do, we will attempt to keep it in the spirit of what you give for the the call.

Once we have worked out the details, then you can either send a recording, arrange a time to record in studio or a time to record over Skype.


Each episode of One Night Stan features an interview with some personality or someone with something interesting to report.

The OOC purpose of these is to nominally facillitate advancement of plot - but where not applicable be of entertainment purposes.

Entertainment value is not required, although we may attempt to put some in via Stan's responses.

PCs and NPCs alike can be interviewed and this is not restricted by IC time or date, as ICly Stan can pre-record them at any time.

Because we seek where possible to use the Interview section to advance plot somewhere in Beyond the Sunset's games, we give prefernce to any ST submissions for this - however if none are available, any PC may be featured in an interview. Any PC interview may be retained and used for later (with the player's permission) if we are lacking content.

Given any interview is a back and forth conversation, it is strongly advised that you send a synopsis or script first via email, so that the dialogue can be worked out.

You can suggest what Stan may say in a script/synopsis you send, however we may choose to modify this. If we do, we will attempt to keep it in the spirit of what you give for the the interview.

Once we have worked out the details, then you can either send a recording, arrange a time to record in studio or a time to record over Skype.


Each episode of One Night stan features three (3) advertisements as part of the song break between the halves of the show.

The OOC intent of these is to highlight businesses that exist in the New World of Darkness that do not in the real world, specifically those related to PCs or Plot.

Entertainment value is not required, although if not supplied with a Script to adhere to or Recording, we may inject this as part of making the Advertisement.

Any recordings submitted will be included as is, unless aditions or modifications are requested with a week's notice via email or if done via Skype, at time of recording.

Any scripts submitted will be adhered to as strongly as possible within the bounds of no cost to us and Australian law (ie, certain pieces of music or sound effects cannot be used and/or cost to use).

Any synopsis submitted we will use to base a script, which will be sent to you for approval. If no approval is recieved within 5 working days of email, we will assume approval and proceed.

The final result will be sent to the submitter for approval. If no approval is recieved within 5 working days of email, we will assume approval and use it.

If any synopsis, script or recording is submitted by a PC, we will email the appropriate ST as notification, but otherwise proceed unless told not to by the ST.

News Articles

Stanley Roberts and Hanz Shumaker discuss the weird and odd news each episode.

The OOC intent of this section of the show is to build a National (if not Internationsl should SPI choose to be involved) New Wold Of Darkness, and make it seem like the world is more than just what occurs in local games.

Entertainment value is not required, although we may attempt to put some in via Stan's or Hanz's responses.

PC and NPC actions alike can be feature, so long as they are confirmed by STs to have been reported in the media somewhere.

News discussed is no more than 30 days old, however exception may be made if the event is truly extraordinary, likely to have significant effect on our games, or requested by an ST.

You may send whole articles, headlines or links to us via email, however the more complete the better. If the script demands details not had, we will suggest the details and run it past the relevant ST for confirmation.

As this segment is a discussion between Stan and Hanz, we will not use any recordings sent or need to arrange a time to record - although if discussed via Skype, a recording may be made for reference.

Types of Submission




You may submit anything you have recorded yourself for One Night Stan.

Please advise via email first before sending recordings of what the recording pertains to.

The recomended recording specifications are:

  • 16-bit stereo format .wav
  • 44100 Hz

If you cannot manage this, please send a recording that is uncompressed (not .mp3) and/or as high a quality as possibe.

In Person

Via Skype