Timothy Ward

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Template:PC Summary Requiem



Ward was a young hopeful who fought his way up the Anglican church ranks. Ward's preaching didn't go unnoticed and he had a small congregation. His ability to understand, and apply modern thinking to Christianity earned him the respect of sceptics and academics alike. His perfect life was only marred by no significant other in his life. It wasn't through lack of trying, Ward often dated, something many thought as progressive, but his relationships ended with both going their separate ways. Ward clearly had a woman problem.

That problem was that Ward was gay. After failing to find a wife and constantly feeling guilty about his sexuality Ward attempted suicide. Both his sexuality and failed suicide attempt market him as a target for Embrace.

His embrace into Kindred society brought him new religious vigor.


Known Sire

• Sire: NPC Peter Fitsimmons

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

Lorenzo, publicly: "Yes well, you know what they say - Ward by name, mental ward by nature."

Lorenzo, quietly behind closed doors. "Yes, I understand that something will have to be done about him, but know this: I'll be very put out if something excessively permanent should happen to him. Very, very put out."

"Quote" - reference


"Quote" - reference


Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • Tom Waits - Everything goes to Hell
  • Radiohead - Jigsaws falling into place
  • Sufjan Stevens - The Man of Metropolis Steals our Hearts
  • Sufjan Stevens - Casimir Pulaski Day
  • The Tea Party - A Certain Slant of Light
  • The Mountain Goats – Isaiah 45:23
  • U2 - Numb
  • Depression
  • Melancholy

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Christopher Bond
Number: Au2009060002
Domain: Adelaide