MJ Crawley

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Personal Information


MJ attends court in dark clothing that looks part ninja assassin and part lounge singer. She wears a bow over her shoulder and gets very funny about people touching it as it was a gift from her mentor and carer Luka Mundr.

Known by the Court

MJ is a quiet reclusive kindred known for her short fuse and her razor sharp wit. When asked about what is the nature of her relationship to the Valdyr family she will simply say "Fuck off, if I wanted you to know I would of told you by now." Though she has been seen walking the woods in deep conversation with Luka of the Valdyr. Though not Gangrel or Valdyr by blood she has been adopted into the family as a ward due to her past history with the family.

MJ is a member of the Crone though worships the Catholic faith more than the dark mother, she stays with them more because she feels that her spirituality fits more with the Crone than any other covenant.


1910 - Born in the poorer suburbs of Sydney, she grows up reading spy novels and falls in love with the powerful and sexual females portrayed in them.

1932 - During the Brood Wars of Sydney she was embraced by an unknown Mekhet, probably in the efforts to try and bolster their ranks against the oncoming Brood forces. Luka Mundr finds her, recognizes in her the potential to be a cunning and strong member of the Valdyr family and raises her as his own.

1969 - Leaves Brisbane to see the world and acclimatise herself to this new world that she now lives in.

2014 - Returns to Brisbane court and the Valdyr family to reconnect with her roots.

Recent History

MJ has previously been a member of the Brisbane court and is only now returning from a voyage overseas in order to reconnect with her adopted family.



Quotes By MJ

"Luka, I love you but in the name of all things holy under heaven, try not to kill kindred I am in the middle of talking to." (To Luka after he walked up behind the Volmark she was talking to and stabbed him in the back)

Quotes About MJ

"I claim her. She is not of my blood but by the Gods above she is my family, if any of you stand against her you stand against me. I will train her, teach her and ensure she serves the family honorably" - Luka Mundr

City Status

Acknowledgment - Given by Xenobia in the city of Brisbane with Luka vouching for her good name and intentions City Status 2 - Given by Xenobia for accepting the mantle of deputy sheriff during a time of trouble.