The Maiden

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Bridget Fonda in Snow Queen 2002
“I always said to you: beware the maiden dear!
I knew she lures hearts with strengths she can’t forebear.
Oh, my presumptuous friend! I knew that in her shade
Impossible to seek another pretty maid.
And, having lost his hope, forgot of treason’s pleasures,
In her vicinity a thoughtful youngster blazes,
Pets of great gods and captains of fate’s fleets
Bring their love prayers to her charming feet;
But all their ardency is scorned by the girl proud –
Which, cast down her glance, not sees nor hears around.”
- Aleksandr Pushkin ‘the maiden’


She comes to you in a guise of innocence crimson lips and flowing hair, maidens white gown and she takes your breath away makes you feel a need to serve her to protect her. She may appear to you as the helpless southern belle, an ensnared girl child or even in some cases appeal to the senses with a defiant and flippant nature. She is a creature who knows what she wants and how to gain it.

Whilst she seems harmless maybe even vulnerable the Maiden will turn on you in a heartbeat if she does not get her way. Changelings are often given to her as gifts to placate her many whims others she cultivates for her own twisted pleasure. She will make you feel like you’re her favourite, her one and only when in fact there are countless others serving upon her hand and foot. She will turn cold and even leave you feeling forgotten but when she returns her affections and attentions upon you all is forgiven. That is until it happens again and you want to bask in her glow once more. She has the other Gentry doting upon her like a favoured child and messengers are often in and out of her Manor house toting gifts and letters professing devotion to her and her alone.

The maiden turns brutally cold to those whom she deems to have offended her, She will beat changelings simply because they have displeased her in someway, An artists who paints a flawed image may find himself locked in a small cupboard and not feed for days on end unable to move even the slightest inch. A Chatelaine who places the silverware wrong could find herself beaten to within an inch of her life.

The Maiden is an addiction that isn’t easily overcome.


Those within her thrall or employ are often given as gifts, however some are caught by her own lure. You hear the three silver bells tinkle and then she comes for you.

Fairest: Beings of beauty are favoured by the Maiden she will collect them in large quantities and occasionally forget about them after she grows bored with their abilities. They serve to keep her amused and entertained with their talents.

Favoured Kiths: Dancer, Flowering, Minstrel, Muse, Playmate, Romancer and Treasured

Wizened: Strive to keep her entertained and well kept, the wizened in her ‘employ’ are reduced to the status of servants. They are forced to live in the lower levels of the manor furthest from her and are often the first to escape due to lack of notice.

Favoured Kiths: Artists, Author, Chatelaine, Drudge and Thusser

Beasts: Given as messengers and amusement used as pets and companions for cold nights, they are kept in cages and jars upon the shelves of her extensive manor house. Often finding themselves traded for other changelings or given away as token of her affections to other gentry.

Favoured Kiths: Cleareyes, Hunterheart, Runnerswift, Truefriend and Windwing

Elementals: Elementals are both given to and created in the hands of the Maiden. Their affinity for elements make them ideal as messengers and protectors. They will find themselves often far away from their mistress collecting and delivering messages and gifts in her stead. The Maiden keeps these changelings closely as they also serve as protectors to her home.

Favoured Kiths: Airtouched, Fireheart, Manikin and Waterborn

The Escaped

OOC Information

Created by: Michelle Barfoed

If you need a keeper feel free to add yourself to the escapees list, this keeper is not attached to any VSS and is primarily for fluff use..

Image copyright Hallmark Entertainment, Bridget Fonda in Snow Queen (2002)