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Nox Immortalis - Domain of Toowoomba

Toowoomba The Real History

The Staff

Domain Staff

The Games

Welcome to Toowoomba. Mind your step.

Join in the creative whimsy of the Toowoomba team, as they bring to you the wonderment of imagination, the power of dreams, and the terror of nightmares. In two very different perspectives in the World of Darkness, come along on the journey with Changeling: the Lost, and Vampire: the Requiem. Bring a spare, because it might blow your mind.

Both our games are held on the 3rd Saturday of each month, except December. At this stage, we are fortunate to hold both in the same venue, making it easy for attendance at both games. Also, we almost always head out after game to enjoy the important social aspect of our club, talk about the game and enjoy each other's company.

Changeling: the Lost

Lost skull 70x70.png

VST: Stoney (

VC: Ben

Game is held with sign on from 1:30pm, with game running from 2pm - 5pm.

Vampire: the Requiem

File:Requiem skull 70x70.png

VST: Damian Reddan (

VC: Kellie Flemwell

Game is held following the Lost game, with sign on from 6pm, with game running from 6:30 - 11pm

The Staff

Domain Staff

  • DST Ash Tibbits -
  • DC Damian Reddan -


  • Character Development Document. This is the new Character Development Document for use with all characters in the sanctioned Australian Camarilla chronicle. By completing this document, you will earn 8 Experience Points that can only be spent on the Character used in this document. This document is designed to help the player and the Storytellers flesh out the character, filling in background and relevant character ties. It may be completed only once per character, though players are encouraged to update this document as their character evolves across the chronicle.
  • The Global Addenda. All the rule tweaks, mods, and restrictions for the chronicle can be found here. Know how your sheet works.
  • Genre Directories. Lists all of the neato stuff, for every venue, including where to find it. Super helpful for finding a power you remember seeing, but can't remember where, or how to find that groovy power someone was talking about. Don't take their word for it, find it and check it out for yourself.