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Long Story Short
Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Ahroun
Tribe: Silver Fang
Glory: ••••
Honour: ••
Wisdom: ••••
Rank: Adren
Sept: Sept to be named
Pack: Magpie
Player: Ali Lawrie
Storyteller: Rene Leahy

Information Known by the Sept

Kaarina "Storm of Spirits" arrived in Canberra at the Call of the one who was called Sept Slayer, along with numerous other Garou in September 2014. Along with other straglers from her old Sept, Quantum of Serenity and Underfeet. Storm showed honour and leadership during the failed seige of the Monkey's Paw hive, and after, as the Garou licked their wounds, declared that she would see the City Spirit restored, thus forming a new Sept in Ccanberra. Long-Story-Short was quick to claim the position of Beta, by her side.

Storm of Spirits, being a Silver Fang, and a Lupus can sometimes be abrupt, and often does not understand the ways of the homids, but she has proven to be a fearless and inspiring leader. On occasion she has been known to act...differently. At these times she has called herself called Falcon's Decree.

Storm has formed a pack with Long-Story-Short, Quantuum of Serentiy and Hunts-Without-Voice. They follow Magpie.


I was born to the Sept under the mountain, but we did not stay there long. Father was very young when he died, I really don’t have the memory of him much anymore, even his scent is hard to recall. He was a Cliath of the Garou Nation, and his name was Cheveyo, but they called him Spirit Warrior.

My mother was a Kinfolk of the Silver Fang Tribe, and she became the mate of my father. My litter was the only one from their mating, as father died fighting a great Wyrm Totem. I did not know this at the time, we were only a few months old. The den parents took care of us.

Grandmother died too. She tried to take revenge on the Wyrm spirit who killed father. She was the Alpha of the Sept under the Mountain before it fell. Her name was Storm’s claw and she was a Black Fury.

After the Sept fell, we all fled the scab. Mother, brother and I went with the Silver Fangs. Mother’s father, my grandfather took care of us. His name was Falcon’s Decree. Still I was just a wolf, and none of this made sense to me. I just followed the Alpha of the pack, and mother.

Years went by and we found fertile lands. A green valley strong with Gaia, and there we joined with other wolves and changing wolves like grandfather. Life was good here. The hunting was plenty, and we grew strong. It was shortly after our second year of birth that the first change happened to me. The spirits of my ancestors were strong with me. I would often hear them speaking to me at night, directing me, and warning me of dangers. Usually these were my Black Fury ancestors, but sometimes they were also the Silver Fang.

It was just after my Adren challenge that my Sept fell to the Wyrm. Very few of us survived, but I found Quantuum of Serenity and a mongrel pup called Underfeet. I thought we could rally with any other survivors when we heard the call to come to Canberra. I vaguely remember the stories of the Sept Slayer, but it was the urging of my Ancestors that made me decide to answer the call.


Quotes By

Quotes About



  • She is crazy, and sometimes has a different personality. It appears to be a bigoted Silver Fang.


Breed Mid-Can-00107

OOC Information

Anything people want added to this please let me know and I will do so. Intend to add to this in the future.

Member Information
Player: Ali
Number: AU2000100334
Domain: Canberra