Göksel Ahmet

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Sect: The Camarilla ••••• •
Clan: Malkavian (Masquerade) --
City: Canberra --
Title: Prince of Canberra
Sire: TBA
Embraced: 823
Generation: 9th
Player: Stephen Justice
Storyteller: Canberra VST
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Göksel dresses in very plain clothing, that is preferably white. It is obviously not in good condition, and has been well worn in. Göksel is of strong Turkish decent and it shows in his features, but he is almost never seen without some sort of Jewish holy symbol on him.


Göksel is a either a very passionate individual or very sombre depending on the topic of conversation. He tends to get very involved in talks about religion, ethics and other matters, but despite being Prince tends to become bored quickly when it comes to matters of politics.

Mortal World

Göksel has no mortal presence in the world, and hasn't bothered to try and get a new mortal identity for over 600 years.

Personal Information - Before Embrace

Göksel was brought up from birth in preparation for his embrace. He was one of several chosen Turkish noble children that would help the Congregation of Rome get a further religious foothold in the kingdom of Kazar. While his Sire was indeed a Malkavian, he was the servant of a powerful Jewish Ventrue belonging to the Congregation, and up until its sacking by Mongrels helped turn the kingdom itself Jewish.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Göksel is known to be older than the Camarilla, and was there for its founding.
Those who have been around long enough will have heard of him as a skilled linguist and that he was one of the few Kindred willing to travel to help spread the word of the Camarilla and attempt peaceful politics between different nation states.
For several hundred years he was known to work with a powerful Malkavian Elder, but on the Elders assassination by unknown hands Göksel disappeared for a couple of hundred years.
Finally resurfacing in the late 1800's, Göksel once again began his job as a diplomat for the Camarilla, and helped several domains reform after their destruction in both WW1 and WW2.
He then travelled to Australia to help bring the Camarilla to the new continent.
It wasn't long until the other Elders that had also travelled here decided they needed a stable figure to help form the domain of Canberra, and assigned Göksel to be prince and help form this Domain.


798- 822 - Mortal Life
823 - Embraced in Kazar.
823-965 - Help guide the rulers of Kazar in the ways of the Jewish people
965 - Kazar was sacked and Göksel and others fled for their lives
969 - 1220 - Travelled across Europe spreading the word of the Congregation of Rome
1220 - 1230 Attempted to settle in several cities around Italy, but kept encountering trouble
1230 - 1400 - Continued travels, but slowly got caught up in troubles of Anarch rebellion
1400 - 1435 - Helped bring Malkavians together in preparation for joining the Camarilla
1435 - 1470 - Was one of the first Camarilla diplomats to non-Camarilla domains
1470 - 1750 - Was blood bonded to a Malkavian Elder into his diplomat
1750 - 1870 - Upon death of Malkavian Elder Göksel entered torpor
1870 - Woke up from Torpor and decided to focus on religion again
1870 - 1967 - Travelled Europe helping the Camarilla, but trying to spread religion again
1968 - Travelled to Australia to spread the Camarilla to the new cities and domains
1971 - Requested by several Elders to become the Prince of Canberra to help stabilise it as a Camarilla domain
1971 - Now - Prince of Canberra


Known Sire

  • TBA

Known Siblings


  • Merchant Captain
    • Sanders
    • Entire brood of Malkavian's trapped on a boat with a Gestalt Entity using them for its entertainment
  • Meg St.John

Happy to have other Childer or even Grand-Childer, there is over 1000 years of history to fit it into


Quotes By

- Goksel: "And why did you have a robe for Mr Giovanni at your haven?"
- Meg "It was payment for a favour"
- Goksel "That's a very personal payment"
- Meg "It was a very personal favour"
- to his childe Meg St.John regarding a now notorious robe embroidered with "GG".

Quotes About

“Prince Ahmet, is a good client, he clearly articulates the service he requires and is direct regarding the price he is prepared to pay for it.” - Giorgio Giovanni

"A traditional Prince in his actions, an eloquent diplomat is his speech and, underneath it all, an absolute insane religous pedagogue" - Gladius von Lichtenstein

"You want to know about my Sire? Well he is a stalwart defender of the Camarilla and all it stands for. He is generous with his time and that which he bestows upon the Kindred of his city, but do not cross him or break his laws. His justice is swift and merciless." Meg St.John



Inspirations and Soundtrack






  • Giorgio Giovanni - 3 Major, and 2 Trivals each month for rent that must be used that month
  • Heinrich - 1 Major
  • Derek - 1 Minor
  • Kaalia - 1 Major
  • Twilight - 1 Trivial
  • O'Neil - 1 Minor

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Stephen Justice
Number: 2006090005
Domain: Canberra