Archived-Beckett Shore

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Template:PC Summary Awakening


Beckett is a slightly famous local stage hypnotist. In his spare time he's slowly working on having a fully stocked tass bar at home. His three favourite things are alcohol, women and glib sarcastic remarks.

Beckett would like nothing more than to have an easy life where he doesn't have much to do, but events almost always conspire against him and force him into roles of responsibility (or at least, he thinks so). When relating to mages from other cities Beckett generally assumes a kind of cheery fatalism, just to brighten their day. He's not really that concerned about living under the threat of annihilation at the hands of the Banishers - he's more concerned about whether or not he gets the immediate tasks in front of him sorted, so he can take a break.

Currently holds the Concilium position of "Master of Bleach". Don't ask.

Noteworthy Deeds

  • His Awakening occurred after his major claim to fame - performing at the Melbourne Comedy Festival
  • Was briefly turned part Tick-Tock Man to save the national speakers for each Order from accidentally being subject to the same effect
  • He and Derek Drako (with significant assistance from Cuffs) saved the universe one time


"Sexy cop with a fast car. I'd vote for her."

- After meeting Cuffs

"If you see something
Say nothing
And drink to forget"

- Beckett's motto (taken from his favourite t-shirt)

"Still alive."

- Beckett's favourite reminder to non-Canberra mages

"Hey guys. Hey guys. Hey guys. HEY GUYS!"
*points to the mobile phone in his hand*
"This is currently being tracked by the Banishers. We probably have about five minutes to flee."

- Beckett having real trouble trying to save people's lives over them arguing with each other

"I DON'T F******* HATE MAGIC!"

- An increasingly common refrain
