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Charlie Smith "Chopshop"
Sect: Anarch
Clan: Toreador (Masquerade)
City: Sydney
Pack/Coterie: Walsh Street Orphans
Title: None
Sire: TBA
Lineage: TBA
Embraced: 2004
Generation: 11
Player: Maxin
Storyteller: Sydney VST
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Personal Information

Embraced in Sydney in 2004. Some creepy fuck who came in with a sweet ride asked for some work done but when Chopshop was finished the dude zenned out for half-an-hour, gave him the fang and ran off screaming bloody murder.


Chopshop's a big fella but not in any particularly flattering ways. He's often dressed in his work overalls and is always covered in motor oil stains.


Not the brightest vampire around town, but a friendly enough bloke. Kinda takes the edge off of the rest of his gang and is more likely to listen to what you have to say before he calls you an idiot.

Mortal World

Has a criminal record as a car thief and may be involved with an illegal automotive work in the South-West of Sydney.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Makes the best god-damn rides in all of Sydney.


  • 2004 - Embraced
  • 20?? -
  • 20?? -

Recent History

Rocked up to the 2014 gathering in Sydney with the rest of the Anarchs, mouthed off with some Camarilla pricks, did some cocaine with the "pretty cool" members of his clan and stood strong with his fellow Anarchs in asserting ourselves to the Council Elders.


Known Sire

Known Siblings

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Hey, I'm not a fucking car theif. I just make stealing cars a viable business."
- On Chopshop's current career choices.

Quotes About

"If it walks like a car thief, talks like a car thief, and is a fucking convicted car thief, then you're a god damn car thief Choppy, stop trying to bitch out of it."
- Elliott
"Here's the thing. See the thing? Now I press this button... and... BAM!!! DIFFERENT THING!!! One word. Chopshop."
- Trip
"This guy is a champion! In my line of work changing cars & phones is very important. The day he sells me a new phone with a new car will make my nights much easier."
- Alec McMahon


"Quote" - reference


  • May have insulted a Malkavian Elder's fashion sense...

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Personal Theme Song

Crew Theme Song



Fuck all


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Maxin Carroll
Number: 2014090001
Domain: Sydney