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Malady Norwood
Sect: Anarch
Clan: Malkavian (Masquerade)
City: Sydney
Pack/Coterie: Three Screws
Title: N/A
Sire: Camilla Sutton
Lineage: Lineage
Embraced: January 12th, 2005
Generation: 10th
Player: Sophie-Alice Riches
Storyteller: Sydney VST
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Anarch Rep

  • Committed

Personal Information


Malady has pale skin, almost translucent, and long, wispy hair that she ties up with ribbons. Her eyes are large and doll-like. She has a bright, youthful face and her cheeks always appear flushed as if she is coming down with a fever.


Mortal World

Information Known by Kindred Society


* 1910 - Malady Eden Norwood is born in Louisiana, America to wealthy British immigrants.

* 1910 - Her parents are wealthy plantation owners which keeps them away on business for weeks on end. For most of Malady’s early childhood, she is taken care of by her Creole nanny, Maria. She comes to think of Maria as a second mother.

* 1917 - During a particularly cold winter, Malady suddenly falls ill and doesn’t ever seem to recuperate. She is plagued with fatigue and remains bed-ridden most days. Her parents, although still busy, dote on her completely, fulfilling her every whim, no matter how exorbitant. She remains especially close to her nanny during this time who entertains her with bed time stories of the deep south and voodoo.

* 1920 ~ 1925 - It appears as if Malady will never recover from her illness. If anything, she is becoming worse. Her parents fret over her in a superficial way; they spend their wealth on the best doctors money can buy, but none of whom can find the cause of Malady’s sickness. Some even suggest that her affliction is psychological. Her parents refuse to believe it.

* 1925 - Malady’s condition suddenly takes a turn for the worse. She takes a trip to New Orleans with her nanny, Maria, where she is introduced to her daughter Letitia who is around her age. Malady realises that Letitia is the true object of her nanny’s affections and feels utterly betrayed. When Malady returns home, she is overcome with fever, shakes and sores. Her bed nurses pity her and Malady secretly relishes in the attention.

* 1926 - Malady’s parents have gone through most doctors in America’s southern region and decide to bring in a specialist from abroad. Camilla Sutton arrives from London two months later. She visits Malady two times a week at evening. She indulges Malady in all of her conceived illnesses. Maria is incredibly distrustful of the doctor and voices her suspicions. Although Malady’s condition never improves, it is maintained by Dr. Camilla Sutton.

* 1927 - While away on business, there is a freak fire in the hotel her parents are staying at and both of them perish in the blaze. Malady inherits the entire estate and withdraws from society completely, staying locked in her bedroom. The only two people she will allow to see her are Maria and her doctor.

* 1928 - On the eve of her 18th birthday, she is paid an unexpected visit by Camilla. Once alone, Camilla suddenly attacks her. Malady is frail and cannot fight her off. She succumbs to the bite … and dies.

* ??? - Malady wakes up a number of years later. Everyone is gone. Her parents. Her doctor. Her nanny. She discovers she is a ghost and haunts the now empty manor, frightening anyone who dares to venture inside.

* ??? - The longer she roams the walls of her vacant home, the more desperate she becomes to return to her former life. She clings onto what few memories she has left. All she can remember of the night before she was killed is her nanny begging her to eat something because it would give her strength.

* ??? - Malady obsesses over this final memory until every word is ingrained in her skull. She must eat. She comes to the conclusion that this is her unfinished business. She stops frightening away visitors and invites them in for supper instead.

* 2012 - Alec McMahon and Anthea Hall discover Malady when they're attempting to ransack her manor. She attempts to invite them in for tea, but finds they aren't like the others. They're vampires. She decides she's tired of haunting her old house and comes with them.

* 2014 - They leave England and move to Sydney to establish themselves as Anarchs. Malady is surprised to see so many other vampires. She doesn't understand their politics but enjoys their company nonetheless.

Recent History


* NOV - ...


  • Liam Harrison (NPC)
    • Karl Montgomery
      • Betty
      • Emily Mortimer
      • Louise "Nanny" White
        • Travis Church
      • Dr. Alice Petibourne
      • Varn (Adopted)
      • Gretchen Di Val
    • Smiles (NPC)
    • Camilla Sutton (NPC)
      • Malady Norwood


Quotes By

"I'm not feeling very well today."
"I was a failure in life and now I'm a failure in death. I couldn't follow her into undeath and so I'm trapped here now. Forever."
- Malady, lamenting at her lack of sire.
"If I don’t eat it, then I’ll become transparent and go to the other place. I don’t want to go. So I need to eat it to stay here, to be real."
- Her usual pleading with Alec McMahon or Anthea Hall when confronted with something appetising.

Quotes About

"Malady? Oh yeah having a ghost in my crew is great! She makes things very, very interesting... Yeah.. She's good value though."
- Alec McMahon.
"Malady intrigues me. Our abilities are much the same, but her execution of it? Completely different. I guess that's what you'd expect from a ghost."
- Anthea Hall
"I keep wanting to make a joke about being inside her, cause she's like, a ghost and all, but if there's anyone more likely to stab people over a joke than me, it'll be one of those fucking screwheads."
- Elliott.
"Here's the thing about Malady. She's sick. Fully Sick. Bro."
- Trip.
"Ghost girl creeps me out man, she's all sneaking everywhere, like one of those Japanese horror chicks"
-Clay Higgs


Malady: "If no one else wants it, may I please have it?"
Alec: "*looking at the incapacitated Sabbat member*... Yeah, I really don't think that's a good idea."
- Conclave 2014.


  • Is actually a ghost, not a vampire.
    • But the way she talks about how she 'becomes real' is frankly, disturbing.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Sophie-Alice Riches
Number: 2012110001
Domain: Sydney