Brisbane Camarilla Downtime Template

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Send downtimes to

Player Name:

Character Name:

Game(s) Attended:

Date of Report:

Downtimes are due the Second Monday after the game.

Game Report

What did you do? What was done to you in the game? Focus on how you changed other characters and your environment and how you were changed. Dot points are fine.

Long Term Goal(s)

Where do you ultimately want to be?

Short Term Goals

Look at what happened in the last game and react to it. Think of the next step in your long term goal. Come up with at least one thing you want to achieve in the next game. Give yourself something to do in game – you are awesome and deserve it. Also your ST staff appreciates a little forewarning.

Downtime Actions

Characters have a number of Downtime Actions per month equal to their Willpower

Please see the VSS for details of what does and does not require an action

Each Retainer also gets an Action










Influence represents your control of an aspect of society. Allies adn Contacts can be used to increase your levels of influence, with Allies adding to Action Influence requests and Contacts adding to information Influence requests.

In submitting Influence actions players should treat them as requests made of independent, capable characters - not detailed, blow by blow instructions.

While the influence actions from Laws of the Night Revised and Dark Epics will be used, players need only use them as a guide as to what is possible with Influences and not get bogged down in mechanics. The Storytellers will interpret Influence submissions and apply appropriate systems in coming up with an outcome.

Influence Actions

Area of Influence – Action(s)



Tell us about someone who made a great game for everyone. This is entirely optional.

Experience Spend

Item – Level – XP

For the Storyteller

Is there something you want to see more of? See less of? Got a rules or setting question?