Lara Jones

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Template:PC Summary Awakening

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Enchanter of the Mysterium

Born: 1995

Age: 20

Rank: Disciple of Fate and Time

Faction: Archaeomancer

Concept: Relic hunter

Cabal: Lara is under the guidance of the Architects of Amun-Ra, but is not a member of the Cabal

Personal Information


Lara is a tall woman with pale, slightly freckly skin and long strawberry blonde hair. It's naturally curly, but usually chemically straightened and worn in a ponytail that hangs down to mid back.

She is physically rangy and athletic, in good shape and has fairly defined muscles - as though she either works out or has a physically demanding job. She is not especially pretty, but has a pleasant face.

Lara generally wears a battered fedora, a large tan jacket, a singlet, camo pants and a pair of old army boots. She is prone to outright cosplaying as Indiana Jones or Lara Croft.

Nimbus: Everything around Lara seems fey: things are filled with sublime beauty and grace; even time itself seems to slow to watch their movement. The observer is filled with a sense of longing.


Lara is a cheerful, happy-go-lucky person who gets on well with others. She is independent, and flexible in her thinking and her habits. However, she can occasionally be fickle and a little flighty.

She thinks she is the spiritual lovechild of Indiana Jones and Lara Croft and is attempting to recreate herself in their image.

Lara has always been a fan of adventure movies and ancient civilisations - history being the only subject she was really enthusiastic about at school, so once she awoke to her magical potential and discovered that she could become a relic hunter, she decided to really live the dream.


Awakened: 2014

Initial Master: Copper of the Cairns Consilium; Enchanter of the Adamantine Arrow

Current Mentor: Trueblood, Shaman of the Mysterium

  • 1995: Born in Ireland
  • 2002: Family moves to Australia
  • 2013: Begins experiencing moments of clarity as precursor to Awakening
  • 2014: Awakens; taken in by the Consilium of Cairns

Recent events


  • Jan - Travelled to Brisbane at the recommendation of Copper; he suggested she seek out a Consilium with a larger Athaenaeum and find a mentor to help with her relic hunting goals. Trueblood agreed to mentor her.
  • Feb - Transferred to UQ for access to Department of Archaeology. Met a member of the Brisbane Revolutionary Column. Travelled to the Shadow Realm to fight a Baron of Anger possessing Dornelia.
  • Mar - Assisted in a ritual to dismantle a Tick Tock bomb brought from Armidale by Dornelia. Found a promising lead for a relic hunting project.
  • Apr -


Quotes by

"Quote" - reference

Quotes about

"Quote" - reference


  • Lara is trying to join the Walkers in Mists legacy
  • Lara sleeps with a replica of Indy's whip under her pillow

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Info

Lara is attempting to become an Acquisitor for the Mysterium

Member Information
Player: Dee Pettigrew
Number: 2015010006
Domain: Brisbane