Katerina Kalyagin

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Katerina Kalyagin
Sect: Sabbat
Clan: Toreador (Masquerade)
City: Brisbane
Pack/Coterie: Medved Blok
Title: None
Sire: Unknown
Lineage: Unknown
Embraced: 1988
Generation: 12
Player: Dee Pettigrew
Storyteller: Brisbane VST
Medvet' Blok


Katerina is a tall woman with long dark blonde hair and blue eyes, appearing to be about 26 years old. She is rangy and athletic, has a good figure and is conventionally attractive. She speaks with an accent that falls somewhere between German and Russian and has a slightly odd pattern of speaking which comes from translating into an unfamiliar syntax.


She is inherently an independent and introverted person; while she is enormously loyal to her pack, Katerina prefers to operate independently and stay removed from politics. She is capable of cruelty, but does not engage in it without purpose. She prefers to manipulate people and draw them into her orbit, where they can be used or preyed on as her needs and instincts demand.

Mortal World

Katerina's mortal acquaintainces are generally on the less seemly side of Brisbane's nightlife. She most frequently comes into contact with smugglers, fences, outlaw bikers and other criminals. Katerina makes it her business to form cordial working relationships, but to remain an enigma to her allies.

Information Available to Other Cainites


  • 1963: Born in East Germany
  • 1980s: Became involved in smuggling and anti-government activities
  • 1988: Embraced
  • 1989: Became part of Medved' Blok
  • 1990s - 2000s: Worked with pack to destabilize Eastern Europe and shake Camarilla holds

Recent History

  • 2013: Forments dissent between Serbia and Bosnia; delayed democratic reforms
  • 2014: Medved' Blok goes to the Ukraine to destabilize the political situation


  • Jan - Travelled with Lionel Crabb and Sasha to Brisbane as advance scouts
  • Feb - Medved' Blok assisted in cleaning up a Creation Rite gone wrong. Two torpored bodies were recovered from the scene of a police shootout, along with a newly-turned police officer.
  • Mar - Assisted Mordecai in a challenge of leadership for the position of Archbishop; discovered the location of a nest of hunters and reported it to the new Archbishop.
  • Apr - Participated in the assault on 40 Lang Street. Set plans in motion to divert a petrol tanker onto the property in case a "salt the earth" policy became necessary.


Not known publicly


Quotes By

"I have arranged a fuel tanker to travel here in a few minutes. If you wish it, we can blow it up and destroy our enemies with fire."

Quotes About

"This is Wheels.. err Katerina. She's the one you call when you need to pimp a ride." - Sasha


"Hey Wheels, bad news. I wrecked the car again. Drove it through the side of a cash exchange. Got a bunch of money though."

"Not again! Vivienne, can you not keep us a car for a month at a time?"
"What? I'm just making sure you've got stuff to do."
"Fine. I will find us another."
- Katerina and Vivienne Wall, roughly on a monthly basis

"Sasha, why is there a torpored fledgeling in our pack house?"

"We're looking after him..."
"... Can I eat him?"
"Only if you want all your clothes sent to Timbuktu."
-Katerina and Sasha talking about Officer Friendly


  • Katerina does not know her sire
  • Katerina knows her sire but chooses to hide their identity
  • In her mortal life, Katerina was a spy during the Cold War


  1. Initiated

Inspirations and Soundtrack

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Dee Pettigrew
Number: 2015010006
Domain: Brisbane