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Enchanter of the Silver Ladder

Born: 07/04/1992

Age: 22

Rank: Disciple of Fate

Titles/Memberships: Hearthkeeper of The Orchard, member of The Network

Physical description: Cadence is somewhat small, at 161cm and 65kg, but not especially so. They are androgynous in appearance, with bright green eyes and short hair bleached white-blond, and a slight tendency to avoid people's gze. Cadence looks their real age, 22, although some take their playful nature and short stature as indications of a slightly younger age.

Being fairly new to Mage culture on the whole, Cadence tends to dress quite casually in neutral clothing that would not look out of place in a crowd of Sleepers. The exception is their jewellery, a large collection of rings and pendants that Cadence claims a symbolic meaning for, but none of which have any magical use or much material value.

Nimbus: Cadence's Nimbus is a fractal pattern that blurs the edges of whatever is being enchanted. The seed formula changes moment by moment, moving the fractal through kaleidoscopic patterns.


Awakened: August 2014

Initial Master: Dancer (NPC)

Recent events


- Was part of a group that investigated a spontaneously appearing Atlantean temple, which disappeared after exploration.


Quotes by

"So what you're saying is... this... represents the sane population of mages in this city?"

"Is it just me, or are there rather too many explosions involved in all of this?"

Quotes about



Inspirations and Soundtrack

Puck from Gargoyles

Thomas Raith of the Dresden Files