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Template:PC Summary Awakening

Aletta,showing her angelic smile

DISCLAIMER: This resource is an OOC reference for players and STs containing IC information. Information contained on this page is not known unless conveyed in play directly, revealed by the appropriate mechanisms by an ST, or by agreement with the player. If in doubt, please contact directly.

Theurgist of the Free Council

Born: Unknown

Age: Appears to be early to mid 20's around 25

Rank: Master of Forces

Titles/Memberships: Path Master of Obrimos

Various nicknames and aliases: Was known for a very short time as Leia

Physical description: Around 177cm tall with blond hair down past her shoulders, blue eyes and pale white skin. She is reasonably attractive (has been described as a wholesome yet stunning blonde), she wears designer clothing, her shoes expensive. She rarely wears makeup but her nails are well manicured and maintained.

Nimbus: An Angel - Great white wings appear flowing black robes seem to wrap around her and a sense of calm radiates from within. With particularly powerful magic a soft glowing light emanates from her and a heavenly choir can be heard faintly in the distance which gradually increases in volume to the level of a church choir before ceasing.

Aletta,portrayed by Nicole M.


Awakened: February 2014 - Fremantle

Initial Master: Romulus Arlington

  • February 2014 After her "Awakening" she is sheltered by Spike for a short time before being left to fend for herself. Romulus finds her and takes her under his wing introducing her to the cities awakened

Recent events

  • August 2014 Aletta is announced as Path Councillor for the Obrimos by Romulus Arlington
  • November 2014 During the Herald's census it is revealed Aletta has joined The Pinnacle
  • January 2015 Was the main instigator behind the release of Pontus, the Water Colossus, from his prison under the ocean off the Fremantle coast.


Quotes by

  • "I don't understand that reference." whenever a pop reference/quote is made that goes over her head
  • "What is with you two?!?" after repeated attempts to call The Director using Magnus's phone and having all the calls rejected.
  • "You're asking if I have met God? Which one exactly?" To Charles
  • "Thank you for your concern but I do not think anyone NEEDS a bow tie." to Charles when discussing plans for beating on things from the Abyss and The Hierarch's attire
  • "I realise you have been given a higher functioning intellect at the moment. However I still think you need to read this book. It would seem that you are still not grasping the simple concept, or rather realisation, that your actions have consequences." tossing the children's book A Little Bug Went Kachoo to Artemis Arlington during a planning meeting in February 2015
  • "Anything can be killed. You just have to know it's weakness." talking to The Director and Sash about Vampires
  • "Humaning is HARD!!!!" nearly every time she asks for a pop culture reference to be clarified.

Quotes about

"She'll never know what it's like to scrabble in the dirt. She doesn't know what it is to be one of us." - Sash, to The Director in Perth, May 2015.
"She was compassionate when she didn't have to be. If I knew nothing else but this, it would be enough" - Senka


"Charles if you do that The Hierarch wont be very happy... like at all."
"So all I have to do is argue against it at the Council meeting and he will be upset."
"Yes, something like that."
"Oh Letty... I'm not sure I can help myself."
A conversation with Charles before a Path Council meeting where a vote was required.

"Three out of five pathmasters I've spoken to agree he's an ass." Artemis
"I'm quite open about it" Charles
"So who's the 5th?" Aletta
"Well I haven't asked Helen yet." Artemis
"And what... you just assume I DON'T think he's an ass?" Aletta
The discussion that kicked off a long night of tea and possibilities.


  • Is sleeping with Romulus Arlington
  • The only reason she's Path Master is because she didnt step back quickly enough... slow reflexes and all that
  • Are you sure she's not an Arlington?
  • Is sleeping with The Director


You say I took the name in vain
I don't even know the name
But if I did, well, really, what's it to you?
There's a blaze of light in every word
It doesn't matter which you heard
The holy or the broken Hallelujah

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah

I did my best, it wasn't much
I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch
I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you
And even though it all went wrong
I'll stand before the Lord of Song
With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah


  • Alesso - Heroes (we could be) Everyday people do Everyday things but I Can’t be one of them. I know you hear me now, We are a different kind, We can do anything.
  • Imagine Dragons - Demons They say it's what you make, I say it's up to fate, It's woven in my soul, I need to let you go
  • Hallelujah
  • Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
  • Passenger - Let Her Go (for her fall/transformation)

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Nicole M]
Number: 2009060011
Domain: Perth