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Armidale DSS

Armidale Beyond the Sunset - Domain Style Sheet

DSS Approved: October 2010 #TOPAUS0063

Administration Information

Domain Name & Domain Number
Armidale (PTAP) & PTAPAU032

DC/DST Names, Membership Numbers, Contact Information
DST: Tim Cluley AU

Game Location, Times And Fees

Most games are held in the Education Building, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, 2351

Currently we charge $10 per weekend or $4 per game to cover venue costs.

Mailing Lists, Websites & Online Resources
Domain, national and organisational announcements are posted over our out of character mailing list, of which all members of the domain should be subscribed:

Game Information

SETTING is being updated for the 2013 Chronicle

THEME is being updated for the 2013 Chronicle

Character types from the base rulebooks are preferred. A character with pending approvals may enter play, however items/powers/etc. Not yet approved may NOT be utilized or referred to in case the application is denied.
Characters of local players from unsupported Venues are attached to this DSS.

TRANSPORT IN/OUT is being updated for the 2013 Chronicle


A ten-sided die may be used instead of cards, and players may use any other method of randomly generating a number between one and ten so long as they are approved by the VST prior to use in-game.


For those players who are members of PtAP, but are unable to make regular games because they reside outside of Armidale, sending reports (called Absent Player Reports) on downtime scenes and email interaction personally or over lists may garner them more experience than standard players.

2-5 experience can be awarded to a player who is unable to attend ANY games for the month. Level of the award will be determined by the VST based on the complexity of the Downtime and how it adds to the understanding of the characters history/motivations These awards are to ensure that players are not disadvantage by being unable to attend games, and cannot apply in any month they attend a game either here or elsewhere.


In agreement with ALL the VST's the following new XP system will be implemented for ALL nWoD venues within Armidale.
Game Attendance = 3xp
Circle of Love* vote = 1xp (via circle of love)
Most Circle of Love* votes = +1 xp (via circle of love)

*Circle of Love is used by players to identify memorable players, characters, scenes and props within the game that they truly enjoyed. Players may mention multiple people during the circle, but they can only give their vote to 1 person.
Justification: The ST can not be everywhere at once, and really the game is about what the players enjoy. This peer review system frees up the ST from judgement calls and allows greater transparency. The players themselves determine who is most rewarded for the games they play.

Downtime procedures may vary by venue. Check the genre specific VSS
However the general guidelines below apply

  • All experience expenses must include an explanation of how the stat was obtained, and as a guideline
  • Each expenditure after the first requires a downtime action.
  • No stat may be increased more than once in a month – so you can’t buy more than a single level of any one skill, trait, ability, or power in a month.
  • Purchasing the 4th or 5th level of any skill should be accompanied with a detailed explanation as this reflects expert knowledge in a field.

It is recommended that all players put in a default modus operandi for downtimes to the ST in case they cannot for some reason send in a downtime action for the month. This will take effect if no instructions are received by the storyteller from the player by the due date and will be worth a once-off reward of 2 xp.

It is acknowledged that players may come into information about the other inhabitants of the World of Darkness at some stage of playing their character (through other PCs, lists, rumour, etc.). The VST expects the player to portray this knowledge reasonably, showing doubt and denial where appropriate.

Proxy characters from other Domains are welcome, but they do so at their own risk.
If you wish your character to be portrayed at an actual game a local player needs to be found to perform this role. The ST chain has enough imaginary friends.
Players are to send the completed Proxy statement, character sheet and complete XP log via their DST to the relevant PtAP VST.

All proxy statements must be received a minimum of one week before the date of any specific game the character will be proxying to.


Getting to Armidale
If driving, Armidale is on the New England Highway, which is an inland route between Sydney and Brisbane. Driving time from Sydney is about 6 hours and Brisbane is around 5 hours with less than 3 hours from the coast. From the New England Highway, find the UNE exit, which is the second Armidale exit from either direction, just after or before an overpass. Taking this exit follow all signs to UNE. (see above for directions once you reach UNE)
If flying, taking the train, or catching the coach, taxis available at the airport, train station and bus station should be told you are going to the Education Building at UNE. Alternatively, if pre-arranged with the members of the domain, lifts from either of these locations are easily arranged.

Getting to the Game

Drive past the colleges, up Elm Ave, over the creek and up the hill to the T intersection, where you turn right again, and then shortly turn left onto the UNE ring road. Take the first left hand turn marked with a green UNE directory board, and ahead of you on the right side of the road is the Education Building.

The game is usually held on the middle floor of this building.



Forsaken, and Geist have no active venues at this time; these character types fall under the DSS

Last Updated 13-Feb-2013