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Template:PC Summary Masquerade 3

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Personal Information


Almost 2m tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, Vic is a strong looking man who dresses in normal, everday clothing. He has a tattoo on his forearm and one on his collarbone. He often carries a golfbag filled with clubs and swords.


Vic is usually an ocker sounding, down to earth Australian. He is often rebelling against anyone who is trying to tell him what to do but trusts his Packmates and follows their orders explicitly. However, when he encounters a social situation that he can’t understand he will often react aggressively, even violently.

Mortal World

Vic is listed as dead after the apartment he lived in was found covered in his blood with evidence of a fight. He has a long track record but has never yet served time.

Information Known by Kindred Society

Vic is the Abbott of the Pack Trashed, Lost and Strung Out He killed and diablerised a vampire beneath a church


  • 1988 - Born in Sydney.
  • 1993 – Beaten by his fater for the first time
  • 2002 – Left home to stay with Aaron
  • 2004 – Gets an apprenticeship in Brisbane, loses contact with his family
  • 2006 – Meets James
  • 2008 – Meets Miesha after helping to build her house, learns why they call him ‘Crazy James
  • 2009 – Father is put in prison for assault.
  • 2013 – Vic turns 25, is shovelheaded and sent to fight the Sabbat


Known Sire


Quotes By

“What’s the plan Boss? Did you want me to take ‘em out?”
“Shut up! This is Bullshit! No, fuck you and fuck you and fuck YOU! This is not fucking time!”
– Vic after too much social interaction.

Quotes About

"Vic... have you ever thought that you were meant for something better than all this? Like all this nine to five bullshit, isn't for us? I guess it's dumb, but I always thought you and me would become something better when we grew up."
- Aaron before they got shovel-headed
"Pretty sure you're one a' mine. Tough enough. Not dead yet. Hmmmph. Good."
- Razor, at the height of her emotional expression.
"This Vic, Razor's child, you can tell because by her face when she sees him, that special sneer that a mother keeps for only her most precious spawn. I once saw him open a bottle sith another man's teeth. I call him Clang"
- New pack-mate Pinky introducing Vic to Melisande



Inspirations and Soundtrack

  • He is an angry Brujah.
  • The Source Material


  1. Initiated as a member of the Sabbat
  2. Feared as a Templar to Bishop Heinrich
  3. Admired as a Templar to Bishop Heinrich
  4. Enriched for the diablerie of the Church Vampires
  5. Resourceful for his fast action in beating a rival pack in a game of instinct.
  6. Skilled for defeating the enemy of Heinrich's War Party.

OOC Information

Member Information
Player: Callan Davis
Number: 2010030007
Domain: Brisbane