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Template:PC Summary Awakening

Claire after activating her Nimbus.

No title yet!!! :)

Born: April 13, 1995

Age: 20

Rank: Disciple of Forces, Apprentice of Prime, Initiate of Time

Titles/Memberships: Member of the Aegis

Various nicknames and aliases: Lightning, Si

Physical description: She's approximately 5'7" with closely cropped dark brown hair, usually styled into a quiff of some description. Her eyes are an icy shade of blue and her pale skin is prone to sunburn. She usually wears jeans and some kind of shirt, occasionally geeky, accompanied by a leather jacket and boots if she rides her motorcycle to wherever she is seen. Other times, she wears denim shorts, similar shirts and sneakers. She almost never wears wafty clothes, for the sake of practicality. She's usually wearing a little eyeliner with some mascara, but rarely bothers doing anything else to her face.

Nimbus: Claire is surrounded by a blue glow, mostly affecting whatever she is casting with (usually her hands) and lighting her eyes a smidge. Small things by her feet, no larger than a gumnut, lift a little way off the ground. The air around her smells of ozone and rain, and a crackling sound may be heard, similar to that of arcing electricity.


Awakened: August 30, 2015

Initial Master:

Recent events

After her awakening, Claire threw herself into experimentation, testing herself on her ability to utilise her newfound abilities. As a result, she found herself having to borrow mana from the Hierarch upon first meeting them, as she didn't know how to scour her pattern. She has since learned, and as she isn't sure how to take mana from a Hallow yet and has no idea how to convert it to tass, she's shifted her experimentation to fortnightly to allow any injuries some time to heal. So far it's only reopened a wound inflicted by a minor Paradox event during her initial tests on telekinesis, but she isn't sure if the injuries sustained from scouring her pattern from mana will all hit the same spot, and given that she lives with three sleepers, numerous wounds = not something she would like to explain.

Recently she worked out that you can play your music through a radio using Force magic so that all may hear it, so long as you're listening to it yourself for accuracy's sake. She soon intends to experiment with lasers and more with sound, and she's looking for someone tho assist her in learning the rote for Telekinesis so she can perform it with more ease.


  • MAR - Started in her second year studying a Bachelor of Science at the University of Adelaide, majoring in Experimental and Theoretical Physics.
  • AUG - Awakened at the end of August. Experimentation with magic (namely Forces) begins.
  • SEP - Introduced to the Adelaide Concilium by her cousin, Duke. Assisted in the Concilium's exploration and investigation of a lost Silver Ladder temple. Helps form the Aegis, a cabal consisting of herself, Duke and Sullivan.


Quotes by

"Cadence was right, you ARE sparkly." - To Hierarch Andromeda after seeing all their jewellery.

"Pfft, you won't catch me riding an elevator in a storm, even if I do need to climb 20 floors. Screw that." - Upon entering the Hilton and seeing a large number of the Concilium opt to take the lift. She regretted her decision after some sleep.

"Whoa, dude, don't give me that look, I'm not one of the trigger-happy lunatics you guys told me about, calm down." - To Gabriel, upon his seeing her pistol and giving her a look that could freeze the fires of hell.

"Wow, Duke, you weren't kidding when you said doing that hurt." - To Duke, after scouring her pattern for the first time.

Quotes about


"You got your name from Final Fantasy?" "Yeah, I cosplay Lightning all the time." "MAN, YOU'RE GONNA LIKE VIVI." - Usagi and Claire, discussing names on the forums (OOC: need to check exact wording later)

"Pfft, I'm just a baby mage, what use am I? I'm an Apostate and I can't do anywhere near as much cool stuff as you guys can." "You'll be plenty useful, trust me." - Claire and Sullivan, after splitting off from the rest of the Concilium with Duke and Vivi to explore more of the temple in groups rather than just a little bit as a big group.


  • ?????? none yet

Inspirations and Soundtrack

Xion from Kingdom Hearts - She puts the wellbeing of others (and knowledge) ahead of her own.


OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Morgan Petrie
Number: 2015080008
Domain: Adelaide