Brisbane Camarilla Harpy Report 010

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Venerated Elders, Esteemed office holders and honoured members of the seven clans, acknowledged and welcomed visiting guests.

A new crimson star burns brightly in the night's sky. It is rumored that it announces the devastation and ruin of an entire clan of vampires. The Elders say there is nothing to be concerned, so the star is ignored.

The court gathering was hosted by the Famous and Revered Luella of the Gangrel at the Bardon Hall.

We are Camarilla, we have endured and will endure.

I submit for your pleasure, discernment, and posterity record, the observations of the Toreador Salon and the November Brisbane Scotty Court, as witnessed by myself Mr Parker of the Clan of Seers on the 14th of November 2015.

New Members at Court

The October court was graced by several new faces, I must ask for the indulgence of understanding as no insult is intended by any misspelling of name or use of improper title. Corrections will be made to my records, as they are submitted. The new members awaiting formal recognition within the Brisbane Court are:

The Tradition of Hospitality was extended to the previously Acknowledged as tradition dictates and to the visitors

The Acknowledged Vincenzo II of Clan Tremere.

The Acknowledged Armand, of Clan Toreador.

Announcement and Changes in Position

  1. Kit is now Malkavian Primogen and the holder of the sacred fish.
  2. Calabrac is a Fucknuckle for gross stupidity.
  3. Mick Diamond is no longer Sheriff.
  4. Dex is no longer deputy Sheriff.
  5. Mick Diamond claims Praxis, none contest.
  6. Mick Diamond calls a blood boon over Scotty to support him in his praxis claim for nine months and nine days.
  7. Clan Ventrue, Nosferatu and Malkavian submit to the rule of His Majesty Mick "Cupcake" Diamond the Ideas Man.
  8. Cassandra Rose is no longer Seneshal.
  9. His Majesty Mick "Cupcake" Diamond the Ideas Man, has declared that he will review the positions in the city.
  10. His Majesty Mick "Cupcake" Diamond the Ideas Man declares that the city is at war with the Sabbat and the Setites.
  11. Dex is running an Advanced Defense against the Dark school and offering martial training for boons.

Declarations of Status

  1. Baroness Black is now known as Impulsive by the revered word of Vishakhadatta, Ventrue Primogen.
  2. Kit is now Revered as holder of the Malkavians Fish of Command.
  3. Calabrac is now a Fucknuckle by the Revered word of Scabs, Nosferatu Primogen.
  4. Viktor is no longer Loyal by the Revered word of Scabs, Nosferatu Primogen, speaking for Tyrell, Clan head of Nosferatu.
  5. Mick Diamond is now Famous, Exalted and Well Know as the Prince of Brisbane.
  6. Tristan Shore is now Resourceful by the Exalted word of Prince Mick

The Harpies of the Court of Brisbane have viewed the actions of the Toreador Salon 2015 in relation to Clan Toreador being publicly discovered to have been infiltrated by Setites. The Harpies are in agreement that the actions of being infiltrated were in breach of the Traditions and Protocols of the Camarilla. It is my duty to inform the court that, due to this public scandal, Elder La Belle Dame d'Lumiere, Well Known Clan Head of the Toreador, shall be known as Infiltrated. Thus all Toreador of Australia are likewise declared to labour under the negative Status of *Infiltrated*.

I, Mr Parker of Clan Malkavian, being Famous, and Chief Harpy of the Court of Brisbane, concur with the decision of my fellow Harpies and allocation of the status of Infiltrated to Elder La Belle Dame d'Lumiere, Clan Head of the Toreador shall be permanent. Likewise shall the stain endure upon the Toreador Clan in Australia.

Events, Rumours, Lies and Slander

Items of note that have come to pass, some notable events, some lies some slander all with varying amounts of accuracy. Those that have been refuted by their betters have been noted.

  1. The Drug Deep blue continues to plague the city.
  2. Elections are around the corner, initial polls indicate it will be a well hung parliament.
  3. Mick Diamond lead a group of kindred to track down and destroy drug processing facilities. (*?)
  4. The Styx Nightclub is the place to be in the city, contact your friendly harpy if you want more direction on who to approach.
  5. The Tremere Walker has met final death by the word of Vincenzo, Tremere Primogen.
  6. Vincenzo Orgolio has a duplicate walking about with him at calling himself Walker. This was not a Malk prank, the court is concerned about the mental stability of the Tremere.

Records of Prestation

Records of Prestation were received and recorded by the Harpies from, Revered Manager Vishakhadatta, Calabrac, Mick Diamond. Records of Prestation were considered fulfilled and recorded by the Harpies from Scotty.

This concludes the identified changes in standing and the events that would be considered celebrated, and those that may be considered ill advised. The next court would normally be hosted by Clan Toreador in the month of December 2015.

These are my observations in service to the Camarilla and Domain of Brisbane, The Antipodes,

Yours sincerely in service to the Camarilla,

Mr Parker, Chief Harpy.