Archived-The Director

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Template:PC Summary Awakening

Advancing change, for good

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Warlock of the Free Council

Born: 12 November 1963; Perth, Australia

Age: 51

Rank: The Director declines to rank himself, but he is known to have knowledge of at least 6 Arcana

Titles/Memberships: Syndic of the Western Assembly, Hierarch of the Golden Quill Consillium

Various nicknames and aliases: Damocles, Philistine

Physical description: A bearded man in his early fifties and immaculate suits, typical of many upper management types, and while above average height he carries a little extra weight as common of many white collar workers. His dark hair and beard show signs of greying, but his hazel eyes are still sharp – the expensive glasses he wears are purely for theatrics.

Nimbus: Symphonic - Bystanders gain a sense of all things (sounds, light, movements) falling into concert and following The Director's actions and tempo. Powerful magic also produces the sounds of a multitude of clacking sounds merging into unison and slowing to a stop, like roulette wheels or old fashioned clacker-boards used at stock markets or airports


Awakened: 1987, in Perth

Initial Master: Adin (NPC), Warlock of the Guardians of the Veil

  • 1987: Awakened in the Perth CBD and was discovered by a young mage known as Adin, who took him in as an apprentice. The apprenticeship was not the success that Adin had hoped it may be however - finding Adin weak and unwilling to address "healthy" conflict, the nascent Damocles tormented his so-called master and grew in power quickly.
  • 1987: Finding an ally and mentor in Ravis of the Free Council, Damocles stood by Ravis and her band of agitators before the then Hierarch and demanded a stop to Mysterium and Free Council persecution by the Consilium and the Interfector. The "Key-Killer" lashed out at Ravis and a brutal conflict ensued, leading to the defeat of the mad Hierarch. In spite of the victory, Ravis and her supporters to split from the remaining members of the Consilium, founding the "northern" consilium of The Broken Wing.
  • 2000: Damocles leaves Perth and the Consillium of the Broken Wing, convinced that he is being held back by both. Following a heated confrontation between himself and Ravis, Damocles turns his back on the consillium and departs for Sydney.

The Director and Sash - June 2015
  • 2003:
- July: Damocles encounters a freshly Awakened Mage of incredible potential and takes the young charlatan under his wing. An Acanthus, the Mage who would one day be known as Sash, the girl is informally apprenticed to Damocles who pulls her back on her feet and pushes her through "the school of hard knocks" until she and her brother are safe and well.
- November: Damocles leaves Sydney, after nearly three years as a valuable but reviled Solitaire in their Consillium. Departing for New York, Damocles becomes deeply involved in Wall Street while gaining notoriety among Consillia in the Tri-State area.
  • 2008: Mages of the Manhattan Consillium catch wind of mortal authorities investigating the involvement of Damocles' interests in the financial markets crash. Damocles himself is eventually found in a daze, missing his soul. After a protracted effort by a cabal in the region, Damocles' soul is restored and investigators are thrown off his scent. However, one by one the Consillia of the Tristate area close their doors to Damocles and his disgrace.

Recent events


  • June: After leaving Perth over a decade ago, Damocles, now The Director, is on a flight back with business on his mind.


  • August: Under pressure from protracted attempts at reform and distant cabals, the Path Council approaches The Director to accept the position of Hierarch, which he accepts.


  • April: After a protracted period of cautious observation and negotiation, The Director acts upon the decision of the Path Council to accept a non-aggression pact with a pylon of Seers found in Fremantle. Led by a mage called Achilles, The Director agrees to be part of an Oath sealing the agreement, which recognises the pylon as an effective foreign Consillium of the Pentacle. The pact forged the path for an alliance between the two for the purposes of combating the resurgent threat of the Cult of the Doomsday Clock.
  • October: The sudden appearance of a new pylon of Seers takes the Consillium and the Fremantle pylon to high alert, amidst fears that it is the prophesied force that would crush the two groups unless they acted together. Sending Elijah to a parlay won from the incoming pylon, The Director prepares the Consillium for an open conflict. Amidst the preparations, The Director proposes to the Ruling Coubcil a singular authority to co-ordinate efforts. The Path Council agrees, and cedes executive authority to The Director for the duration of the threat. A tense and uneasy moment passes as the Council confirms that their authority will return - some are more (or less) convinced than others.
Beloved by the people


Quotes by

Quotes about

  • "Back after so many years, clearly with an agenda in mind. What is he up to, I wonder?" - Alemonia Arlington
  • "You want me to be scared? Of you? No, I’m not scared, and do you want to know why? Because I know something you didn’t plan on. I’ve got someone bigger than you’re equipped for who cares about me, and will follow up when I don’t check in. He won’t let it drop. You ever see Taken, arsehole?
The person I work for, he’s scary as cancer. And he’ll find you. He may not be able to save me, but he’s sure as Hell gonna throw some hurt onto you.
So I hope you kissed your kids, this morning. My Papa Wolf, he’s coming, and boy, are you ever fucked when he gets here." - Sash, to a Banisher captor, October, 2015.
  • "Intriguing. Rather like his choice of scotch" - Seraphina
  • "No he's not always an arse... sometimes he's asleep." - Aletta to Charles
  • "I'm not sure what to make of him yet. On one hand, he's arrogant, self centred and seems to dislike Moros for some reason. On the other hand, he has moments where he's not so bad - and was willing to help me even when he had some pretty good reasons not to. It's kind of confusing" - Senka
  • "You make me want to slit my wrists and play in my own blood." Artemis
  • "So, is it just that you are a bigoted fool or is that your way of keeping anyone from stopping your beloved Headcase and Salamander? Are they working for you? It would certainly help explain your alliance with the Seers of the Throne." I. P. Smith mid rant.



  • Bears an unexplained grudge against the Arlington Family - perhaps some long ago incident, an unintentional slight or simply jealousy, no one really knows for sure but it's apparent to most within the Consilium that the Arlingtons are not on his list of people to send Christmas cards to.
  • Doesn't like Moros. Maybe it's just because they're creepy. Or maybe it's because he thinks they are using ghosts to spy on him
  • The Director is a distant relative of the Arlingtons - or so they claim.
  • The Director is only one half of an influential power couple steering the course of the Consillium.
  • The Director has no loyalties to anyone but himself... Especially when it comes to women.

Inspirations and Soundtrack


- Billy/Dr. Horrible, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
- D'Hoffryn, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Colin Gunderson/Loki, The Almighty Johnsons
- Doctor Doom, Marvel Comics


Viva la Vida by Coldplay

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the mornings I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listened as the crowds would sing
Now the old king is dead long live the king
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

Uprising by Muse

Rise up and take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
You know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
So come on!
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious

Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

Relating to the Arlingtons
Supremacy by Muse

Relating to Aletta
The World is Not Enough by Garbage

People like us
Know how to survive
There's no point in living
If you can't feel the life
We know when to kiss
And we know when to kill
If we can't have it all
Then nobody will
The world is not enough
But it is such a perfect place to start, my love
And if you're strong enough
Together we can take this world apart, my love

OOC Info

Member Information
Player: Sean M
Number: 2003090513
Domain: Perth