Archived-Alastair Crowe

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Personal Information


Very tall, Dark curly hair, Hazel eyes, thin/light muscled build, commonly seen wearing a black suit with a red or a white shirt(usually when working) but occasionally dresses casually in jeans with a flannelette wrapped around his waist and a dark shirt, always wearing black fingerless gloves and his rings,always wearing glasses,

usually stands with a slight slouch and seems to be focused on the entire room instead of focusing on one or two things.Crosses his arms when agitated and never usually strays to far from his clients.


Likes and Dislikes


  • Gory movies
  • killing/hurting people (especially under the order of a client)
  • Explosions


  • Heights
  • Hipsters or people who speak in a strong British accent
  • Fluffy things and sparkles


  • Watching horror/gory movies
  • Pc gaming/Reading
  • Exercising

Mortal World

Alastair had to grow up really fast. after the death of him and his adopted brother Vincent's families Alastair had to make some hard decisions for them both to keep them alive, the one rule was that they never be separated no matter what they would stay together so they could look after each other,

the boys ended up in an orphanage where they made a reputation as being the most undesirable so as to keep from being separated, this held up until they were to old to stay at the orphanage and were told to leave, it did not take long for the boys to get comfortable in their new environment not long after leaving the orphanage they were a part of a gang and maintaining regular jobs for the man known simply as The Boss. This kept up for many years until finally after a job going wrong Alastair left the Gang and went on to work for some of the Valleys better nightclubs/venues as a security guard/ bodyguard. his clients knew his history which made him even more desirable and he often found himself working with some of the more elite classes as they're own personal hired muscle this kind of work didn't bother Alastair too much as the money was good and it helped him keep an eye on his brother who spent a lot of time at the bars and clubs where Alastair was working.

overall Alastair as known for being more muscle than brains and that didnt bother him, he was smart where it counted and was more than capable of getting out of a tight spot if he needed to though he would much rather charge the issue head on.

Information Known by Kindred Society


  • 1970 - Details
  • 1980 - Details
  • 1990 - Details
  • 2000 - Details
  • 2010 - Details
  • 2013 - Details

Recent History


  • JUN - Details
  • JUL - Details
  • AUG - Details
  • SEP - Details
  • OCT - Details
  • NOV - Details
  • DEC - Details


Known Sire

Known Siblings

  • Vincent Creed..(my brother can be a tool sometimes but he is all the family i have)...(plus i think he might be gay)

Known Childer

Known Grand-childer


Quotes By

"Quote" - reference

Quotes About

"Big brother is quite the refreshing individual, though I don't understand... some of his behaviours."-Finnegan Tempest-Gray


"Think about this for a moment, you feel something is off, do you not? Somehow... Not human? Tell me I'm wrong, I dare you." - Rinn upon first finding the brothers.


Inspirations and Soundtrack


OOC Information

Member Information
Player: [mailto: Name]
Number: 00000000
Domain: Domain