Peter Maderno

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  • Character: Peter Maderno
  • Alias: Malcolm Grigori
  • Clan: Daeva
  • Covenant: Unaligned
  • Apparent Age: 28
  • Embraced: 1965
  • Sire: Belinda Howard
  • Player: Mac Thompson-Brown
  • Player Email:
  • VST: Joel Hooper
  • VST Email:

Peter Maderno's Bio

Peter was an aspiring artist in his mortal days, but also one of the rare few mortals who's talent actually matched his aspirations. Upon finishing his childhood schooling, at 18 years old he entered art school, coming out at the top of his class years later and becoming a freelance artist.

His nightmare began one night years later when he was lured back to the home of a beautiful woman in a red dress, where she Embraced him against his will. Forty years of torture and captivity followed, with his Sire Belinda using a combination of severely brutal beatings, torture, mind games, lovebombing and psychological manipulation to take out her sick pleasure upon him.

After that forty years, he escaped his Sire whom he left staked for the sun, but it had left him so broken that when he discovered the internet and the wonders of digital art, he strove to learn how to use various digital art and image manipulation software so that he could create his artworks without having to face the people he sold them to. He found that with his quality of work and the internet savvy of Veronica, the only person he trusted, he could make quite the handsome living off the sale of his various artworks through a variety of websites which featured various artworks of different genres he created.

Peter avoided the Kindred for the ten years between his escape and the end of 2015, however, for he did not trust them... especially not the Daeva, whose proclivities for mental manipulation and psychological abuse through the Discipline of Dominate reminded him of his Sire. He would avoid other Daeva, and when they paid too much attention to him he would leave town instead of becoming a prisoner and a victim yet again.

Personality and Appearance

Peter is a twitchy suspicious figure who regards everybody around him as a potential agent for his Sire, for he believes that somehow she survived the sunrise that he left her staked to meet. Thanks to his broken mind, he cannot deal with praise or affection, believing that anybody who shows these toward him is trying to manipulate him and exact some sort of cruelty upon him. The exception is when these are expressed through the internet, for the separation between himself and others and the safety that the internet and computers provide make him feel comfortable enough to accept praise and affection.